Eb tuning (Half step down)

Chords used:

Csus4 x32033
Dsus4 xx0233
Em7 022033
Am7 x02233
G 3x0033

Intro: Csus4 - Dsus4 - Em7 - Dsus4 - Csus4 - Dsus4

Slow it down

Dsus4           G
Take a breath and close your eyes

Am7                  Csus4
Hang on tight and don't look back

Em7               Dsus4          G              Am7                    
Underneath it all we're just the same you and I 
So don't go telling me you're fine

            Csus4                            Dsus4
I'll be the flowers that they place on your casket
            Em7                           Dsus4
I'll be the love that we knew would never lasted
            Csus4                     Dsus4       
I'll be the moon when the last sun is setting
            Em7              Dsus4
I'll be for you, I'll be for you

Say the words

Dsus4              G                    Am7        
You're leaving and you won't come back
At least I'm sure it can't get worse

Em7                      Dsus4     
Cuz when the last bit of hope

         G                  Am7
Has left you cold and alone

I'm just someone you used to know

I'll be the flowers that they place on your casket
I'll be the love that we knew would never lasted
I'll be the moon when the last sun is setting
I'll be for you, I'll be for you

Bridge (not sure about this part, suggestions welcome)

G - Em7 - Csus4 - Em7

Dr�mmer om ljuset 
   G         Dsus4
P� 10th Avenue 
Em7    Am7
Ensam i m�rkret (Ensam i m�rkret)
Det �r min tur nu
G          Em7    
Och h�r �r jag vilse (Och h�r �r jag vilse)
   G         Dsus4
P� 10th Avenue
Em7     Am7
Ser genom f�nstret (Ser genom f�nstret)
Du �r lycklig nu

I'll be the flowers that they place on your casket
I'll be the love that we knew would never lasted
I'll be the moon when the last sun is setting
I'll be for you, I'll be for you

English lyrics for the Swedish part:

Dreaming of the light
On 10th Avenue
Alone in the darkness
It is my turn now
And here I'm lost
On 10th Avenue
See through the window
You are happy now
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