Herbie Hancock - Spider (Secrets) Difficulty: Intermediate (timing is difficult) Syntax: / Slide up towards ? Play overtone on 5th fret (don't press down on the fret) Hold note for as long as the whitespace lasts This tab is not exact. You'll have to do most of the timing by ear, and Paul Jackson does a lot of variations that I didn't write down. This tab is meant as a foundation for you to build upon. Be creative! The pieces: Intro A G|----------------------------------| D|----------------------------------| A|----------------------------------| E|-5 3 -| Intro Rumble G|------------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------------| A|------------------------------------------| E|-00233-----33-----33----------33----------| Intro B G|------------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------------| A|-----------------5 3 ---------| E|-5 3 ----------------1 2 3--| Riff G|-----/6 -------? -------------| D|-557 ------------? -------------| A|--------44 455-----------5--6 -57-----| E|---------------------------------00---| Riff Variant A G|-/7--5 -------? -------------| D|-----------------? -------------| A|--------44 455-----------5--6 -7------| E|--------------------------------------| Bridge G|--------------------------------------| D|-/6 /5 3 5 ------------------------| A|-----------------55----55-------------| E|-----------------------------003350---| G|--------------------------------------| D|-/6 5 3 5 ------------------------| A|------------------35---3--------------| E|-----------------0------50 355---| G|--------------------------------------| D|-/6 /5 3 5 ------------------------| A|-----------------55----55-------------| E|-----------------------------003350---| G|----------------------------------------------| D|-/6 /5 3 5 --------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------| E|-----------------003355------3 ------4 -------| Riff Variant B G|--------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------------| A|-------------3-----------5--6 -7------| E|-55-----------------------------------| Song structure: Intro A Intro Rumble x2 Intro A x2 Intro B (pause) Riff (pause) Riff Variant A (pause) Riff (pause) x4 Riff Variant A Riff x11 (pause) Riff Variant A x20 Bridge Riff Variant B x28 Intro A Intro Rumble (in E) Intro A Intro Rumble Intro B