Tabbed by PAB

G (320003@1)                DIt (xx0232@1)will come around
     C (x32010@1)              Gbut (320003@1)everything is now
         C (x32010@1)          G (320003@1)  D (xx0232@1) GI (320003@1)know everything is right now
                         DThe (xx0232@1)loneliness is a lot
          C (x32010@1)                GBut (320003@1)the nothing weighs a ton
             C (x32010@1)            G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1)     C (x32010@1)I mean the nothing weighs a fucking ton

4 bar interlude (strum C)

G (320003@1)                DThat (xx0232@1)half of the bed
C (x32010@1)               GEmpty (320003@1)like a page
       C (x32010@1)                    G (320003@1)D (xx0232@1)    GOf (320003@1)the curses claims you've yet to make
                        DOh, (xx0232@1)the promising light
C (x32010@1)                  GBending (320003@1)like a spine
         C (x32010@1)                G (320003@1)    D (xx0232@1)    C (x32010@1)Or the whiteness that your pen could write

4 bar interlude

Em (022000@1)              Bm (x24432@1)        
Get these bandages off
Dm (xx0231@1)                     AmYou (x02210@1)cant stand, you can walk
Em (022000@1)                BmLeave (x24432@1)these towels apart
Dm (xx0231@1)               AmYou (x02210@1)get up, you get out
           CmInto (x3101x@1)the sun

G (320003@1)                DThats (xx0232@1)where we belong
 C (x32010@1)               GBeen (320003@1)a bit too long
 C (x32010@1)                    G (320003@1)D (xx0232@1)    GAll (320003@1)our weaknesses are growing strong
                     DAnd (xx0232@1)winter always ends
C (x32010@1)                  G (320003@1)     C (x32010@1)                G (320003@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D      C/G (3x555x@1)With water on your limbs, the April rain comes swinging in

4 bar interlude (strum C/G)

Em (022000@1)               Bm (x24432@1)        
Take these bandages off
Dm (xx0231@1)                AmLet (x02210@1)me stand, let me walk
Em (022000@1)                BmLeave (x24432@1)these towels apart
Dm (xx0231@1)             AmLet (x02210@1)me up, let me out,
           CmInto (x3101x@1)the sun

4 bar interlude

G D Esus4 D    C/G
Oh, come she will
G (320003@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D Esus4 (022200@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D    C/G (3x555x@1)Come she will
G (320003@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D Esus4 (022200@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D    C/G (3x555x@1)Come, she will
G (320003@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D Esus4 (022200@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D    C/G (3x555x@1)Come she will
       G (320003@1)
She will
G (320003@1)C/GShe (3x555x@1)comes, oh,
She comes, son,
Esus4 (022200@1)D (xx0232@1)   C/GShe (3x555x@1)cooooomes
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