II WIILL SERVE NO FOREIIGN GOD C (x32010@1) DmI (xx0231@1)lift my hands, to the coming King C (x32010@1) FTo (133211@1)the great I AM, to You I sing C (x32010@1) Dm (xx0231@1) G (320003@1) CFor (x32010@1)You're the One who reigns within my heart chorus GAnd (320003@1)I will serve no foreign god F (133211@1) COr (x32010@1)any other treasure GYou (320003@1)are my heart's desire F (133211@1) CSpirit (x32010@1)without measure F (133211@1) Dm (xx0231@1) G (320003@1) CUnto (x32010@1)Your name, I will bring my sacrifice.