
Newsgroups: rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature
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From: mleslie@use.com (Mark Leslie)
Subject: TAB: Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
Sender: news@dorite.use.com (News Admin)
Organization: 27th Floor Productions
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 1994 05:56:23 GMT
Lines: 120

Well folks, here's my version of a Christmas classic. The chord voicings
are pretty straight-forward, hopefully enough so that you'll be able to
share this with your loved ones (along with a few other songs) on
Christmas eve... Enjoy!

                       RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER
                     Arranged for guitar by Mark Leslie
                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

           <----------------------------- repeat -->


  You Know  Dasher +  Dancer +    Prancer + Vixen....


   But do you re-  call   the most famous reindeer of  all?


  Rudolph the red nosed reindeer,  had a ver-y shin-y     nose


 And if you  ev--er    saw  it, you would ev-en  say  it   glows


  All of  the  other    reindeer  used to laugh + call him  names


 They never let poor   Rudolph   join in   any    reindeer  games


 Then one  fogg-y   Christmas  eve   Santa came to   say


  Rudolph with your nose so bright  Won't you guide my  sleigh tonight?


 Then how the reindeer loved him   as they shouted  out with   glee


  Rudloph the red nosed  reindeer  you'll go down in his--to---ry!

                      27th Floor Productions
Mark & Nancy Leslie       PO Box 11737         email: mleslie@use.com
                        Indpls, IN 46201
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