His Mercy Never Fails Written by Dwight Armstrong Tabbed By:Xaxu Tuning: Standard I take no credit for this tab. I could not find the one who made this tab, credit goes to them Info: Key of Ab play the chords as if in the Key of G Capo: 1 VERSE 1 G (320003@1) A (x02220@1) D7 (xx0212@1) GO (320003@1)give thanks, un-to the Lord, Give thanks un-to the Lord of lords, G (320003@1) A (x02220@1) D7 (xx0212@1) G (320003@1) D7 (xx0212@1)GHe (320003@1)per-forms won-der-ful works, He stretch'd the earth a-bove the sea! REFRAIN G (320003@1) C (x32010@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) GGive (320003@1)thanks to God for He is good, He who a-lone do-eth great works. G (320003@1) C (x32010@1) G (320003@1) D7 (xx0212@1) GHis (320003@1)kind-ness shall al-ways en-dure, His mer-cy nev-er fails. VERSE 2 G (320003@1) A (x02220@1) D7 (xx0212@1) GO (320003@1)give thanks, un-to the Lord, For it was He who made great lights. G (320003@1) A (x02220@1) D7 (xx0212@1) G (320003@1) D7 (xx0212@1)GFor (320003@1)the day He made the sun, And for the night the moon and stars! VERSE 3 G (320003@1) A (x02220@1) D7 (xx0212@1) GO (320003@1)give thanks, un-to the Lord, He struck at E-gypt's stub-born pride, G (320003@1) A (x02220@1) D7 (xx0212@1) G (320003@1) D7 (xx0212@1)GTheir (320003@1)first-born He took in wrath, He led His peo-ple thru the sea! VERSE 4 G (320003@1) A (x02220@1) D7 (xx0212@1) GO (320003@1)give thanks, un-to the Lord, For might-y kings of might-y names, G (320003@1) A (x02220@1) D7 (xx0212@1) G (320003@1) D7 (xx0212@1) GHe (320003@1)de-stroyed and put to shame, Is-r'el was saved from all their foes!