Love Lifted Me Written by: Unknown Tabbed By: Xaxu Tuning: Standard I take no credit for this tab. I could not find the one who made this tab, credit goes to them. Info: Key of Bb play chords as if in the key of A. Capo: 1 VERSE 1 A (x02220@1) EI (022100@1)was sink-ing deep in sin, Far from the peaceful shore, E7 (020130@1) AVer-y (x02220@1)deep-ly stained with-in, sink-ing to rise no more, A (x02220@1) DBut (xx0232@1)the Mas-ter of the sea Heard my de-spair-ing cry, D (xx0232@1) Cdim5 A (x02220@1) E7 (020130@1) AFrom (x02220@1)the wa-ters lift-ed me, Now safe am I. CHORUS A (x02220@1) E7 (020130@1) A (x02220@1) DLove (xx0232@1)lift-ed me! Lord lift-ed me! D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) B7 (x21202@1) E7When (020130@1)noth-ing else could help, Love lift-ed me. A (x02220@1) E7 (020130@1) A (x02220@1) DLove (xx0232@1)lift-ed me! Lord lift-ed me! D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) A (x02220@1) E7 (020130@1) AWhen (x02220@1)noth-ing else could help, Love lift-ed me. VERSE 2 A (x02220@1) E7All (020130@1)my heart to him I give, Ev-er to him I'll cling, E7 (020130@1) AIn (x02220@1)his bless-ed pres-ence live, Ev-er his prais-es sing, A (x02220@1) DLove (xx0232@1)so might-y and so true Mer-its my soul's best songs, D (xx0232@1) Cdim5 A (x02220@1) E7 (020130@1) AFaith-ful, (x02220@1)lov-ing ser-vice, too, To him be-longs. VERSE 3 A (x02220@1) E7Souls (020130@1)in dan-ger, look a-bove, Je-sus com-plete-ly saves, E7 (020130@1) AHe (x02220@1)will lift you by his love Out of the an-gry waves, A (x02220@1) DHe's (xx0232@1)the Mas-ter of the sea, Bil-lows his will o-bey, D (xx0232@1) Cdim5 A (x02220@1) E7 (020130@1) AHe (x02220@1)your Sav-ior wants to be, Be saved to-day.