Stand Up For Jesus
Written by: George Duffield and George James Webb
Tabbed By: Xaxu
Tuning: Standard

I take no credit for this tab. I could not find the 
one who made this tab, credit goes to them.
(Chords in parenthesis are optional)

Info: Key of Bb play chords as if in the key of A. 



      A                D          A                E ? (E7)
Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, Ye sol-diers of the word,

     A        (A7)   D            A        E7        A
Lift high his roy-al ban-ner, and send it ?round the world,

     E              A   (A7)     D     (Bm)     A - E7
From vic-t?ry un-to vic-t?ry His ar-my shall he lead,

     A      (A7)   D   (D7)         A         E7      A
Till ev-?ry foe is van-quished, And Christ is Lord in-deed.


      A                D           A               E ? (E7)
Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, The trum-pet call o-bey,

      A      (A7)    D             A        E7        A
Forth to the might-y con-flict, In this his glo-rious day,

   E                 A     (A7)  D         (Bm)      A - E7
Ye that are men, now serve him A-gainst un-num-ber?d foes,

    A        (A7)      D   (D7)     A           E7          A
Let cour-age rise with dan-ger, And strength to strength op-pose.



      A                D             A                 E? (E7)
Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, Stand in his strength a-lone,

    A      (A7)       D            A        E7         A
The arm of flesh will fail you, Ye dare not trust your own,

    E              A (A7)       D         (Bm)    A - E7
Put on the gos-pel ar-mor, Each piece put on with pray?r,

      A     (A7)      D   (D7)    A      E7       A
Where du-ty calls, or dan-ger, Be nev-er want-ing there.



      A                D           A                  E? (E7)
Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, The strife will not be long,

     A        (A7)     D            A         E7        A
This day, the noise of bat-tle, The next, the vic-tor?s song,

   E              A   (A7)   D        (Bm)       A - E7
To him that o-ver-com-eth, A crown of life shall be,

    A        (A7)    D   (D7)      A       E7      A
He, with the King of glo-ry, Shall reign e-ter-nal-ly!
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