First off you need like a blues distirtion...Go for a funky dist, then set to wa-wa of cuz they use that alot ad here is the main lick for the intro. HSU!!!! Uncommon Sense Tabbed By Standerd - E You can find out pretty easily the timing of the way and when to step or wiggle you foot... X = Mute note |e|XXX-X-XXX-X h = Hammer on |B|XXX-X-XXX-X |G|XXX-X-XXX-X Listen for the X's |D|XXX-X-XXX-X |A|XXX-X-XXX-X |E|XXX-X-XXX-X e|---------------------------------------------------------XXXXXX------------| B|10h12h13-10--10-12-13-12-8h10h12-8--8-10-12-8-6h8h10-10~~XXXXXX8h10h12-12~-| G|------------9----------------------7---------------------XXXXXX------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------XXXXXX------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------XXXXXX------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------XXXXXX------------| Have fun with this Great song...God Bless. And Merry CHRISTmas