I use barre chords to play this song, it's pretty simple :)


            Em (022000@1)         A (x02220@1)     Dso (xx0232@1)how the birds awake before me
             Em (022000@1)        A (x02220@1)     Dthey (xx0232@1)beat me every morning rise
            Em (022000@1)            A (x02220@1)     Dand (xx0232@1)now im lucky if I get a wink in
                  Em (022000@1)         A (x02220@1)   Dbecause (xx0232@1)there's something on my mind


             Em (022000@1)    AI (x02220@1)miss your face
             DI (xx0232@1)miss the places that I once knew
                      Embut (022000@1)I dont like this space
        A (x02220@1)               Dthis (xx0232@1)abscense lays with insomnia
                Em (022000@1)     AI'm (x02220@1)caught in bohemian love

Dbohemian (xx0232@1)love


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