Band: Idlewild Song: A Film For The Future Album: Hope is Important DETUNE GUITAR 1 SEMITONE TO Eb Eb G# C# F# Bb Eb --------------------------------------------------------- Chords used: E (133211) - F (244322) - F# (355433) - G# (x02220) C (X466XX) - B (X3555X) - D# (022100) INTRO AND VERSE: Remember to keep playing the Bb. Do not play the other strings apart from when necessary. (RIFF 1) B-------------------------------------------------------------------- G---10---10-10---10----10-10---10----10-10----10---------------------- D----9----9-9-----9-----9-9-----9-----9-9-----9-------etc.----------- A----8----8-8-----8-----8-8-----8-----8-8-----8---------------------- E-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-------------------- CHORUS: F#, F, E (back to riff 1) X2 VERSE 2: (REPEAT RIFF 1) CHORUS 2: (barre chords) F#, F, E (riff 1), F#, F, E, D# SECTION 3 To play this section, slide between the chords of C and D# (x799xx). MID SECTION (quiet bit) Although there is a lot of underlying picking the basic chords for this are: C, G#, B The picking bit (after "Following a lost leader now"), try this: e--11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11--14-14-14------------------ B------------------------------------15-15-15-15-15--- G----------------------------------------------------- Order: Riff 1, Chorus, Riff 1, Chorus, Section 3, Mid section, Verse, Chorus, Chorus, Section 3.