F5See (133xxx@1)the money wanna stay; stay for you meal,
F5Get (133xxx@1)another piece of pie for your wife,
F5Everybody (133xxx@1)wanna know how it feel,
F5Everybody (133xxx@1)wanna see what its like,
     Bb5Well (x133xx@1)baby wanna be a queen,
Well alright,
    Bb5 (x133xx@1)                                              F5We (133xxx@1)all deserve to find the thieves in this life,
   F5So (133xxx@1)working on a little jog in the night,
   F5Its (133xxx@1)funny how's a man when I see the light,
   F5The (133xxx@1)boss seen little tie i dont mind,
   F5He'll (133xxx@1)be workin in a small box till he dies,
   Bb5For (x133xx@1)me I gotta be free all my life,
   Bb5 (x133xx@1)                                    F5I (133xxx@1)wanna little cream cheese in my pie,
      C5 (x355xx@1)                           Bb5Yeah, (x133xx@1)I'll get back while you don't dance,
              F5The (133xxx@1)Greenback boogie,
              F5Mother (133xxx@1)fucking boogie,
        F5Now (133xxx@1)I'm putting on a big week,
Walking hard,
F5Hanging (133xxx@1)with them big piece fucking cogs,
F5Got (133xxx@1)me a couple ideas straight from god,
F5I (133xxx@1)wanna bean pie order me a bean pie,
Bb5Living (x133xx@1)in a bee hive I dont mind,
Bb5Me (x133xx@1)and Iz the yes so what,
Bb5The (x133xx@1)bizz, the bizz is making money,

C5 (x355xx@1)                       Bb5Just (x133xx@1)get back up out your dance,
              F5The (133xxx@1)Greenback boogie,
              F5The (133xxx@1)Greenback boogie,
Boogie now for me,

Bridge Chords:
F5 , Bb5 , C#5 , C5

Hey, Say it, It's more better,
When you give it away,
It's called greenback boogie,
What people don't say, no,
I'll say, It's better when you give it away,
It's called the greenback boogie,
Don't give it all away, no, I say,
It's better, When you give it all away,
It's called the greenback boogie,
Don't give it all away, no, I say, hey,

F5See (133xxx@1)the money wanna stay fear me,
F5Or (133xxx@1)say it's gonna put some love in your life,
F5Don't (133xxx@1)ya really know how it feel,
F5Everybody (133xxx@1)wants to see what its like,
Bb5Be (x133xx@1)the one or be inside,
It aint last,
 Bb5 (x133xx@1)                                             F5We (133xxx@1)all know there's better things in this life,
     C5 (x355xx@1)                        Bb5Yes (x133xx@1)I'll step out for your last dance,
                 F5In (133xxx@1)the greenback boogie,
F5Motherfucking (133xxx@1)boogie,
F5Boogie (133xxx@1)oogie oogie,

F, A#, C#, C till the end of the song
Greenback boogie,
Come on back to fire guys, x3
Come on back to, x2
Come on back to fire guys, x3
Come on back to, x2
It's the greenback boogie,
It's the greenback boogie,

Don't give it all away,
Don't give it all away no,
I say, It's better if ya dream big dreams yeah,
Don't give it all away,
Don't dream it all away, no,
I say, It's better,
It's the greenback boogie,
Don't give it all away, 
                                                    Tabs too difficult? Try these easy step-by-step video lessons and learn fast!

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