Immortal Tablature
"The Darkness That Embraces Me" from ***ED IN BLACK
Tabbed by:Tyrmord
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First end Second end
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--3--5--------- --3--2---------
--1--3--------- --1--0---------
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These are not just played like ring out chords, listen to the soong!
Verse Riff
(this is exact the chrosrds that are played, find out the rythm by listening to the song!)
Riff 2
This is the only chord that is played in this riff expect for some stuff made at the end (improvise!)
Blackened earth before me
Creeping fog in my way
Lurking through the shadows
Of another day
My hearts the darkened one
My soul on ice
Into the world before me
I stalk the night
Blind me moons above me
But still I shall se
In my time of wondering
WInter it will be
I'm getting nearer
The higher moutains wait
It's getting colder
The snow blow in my face
In our great winters land
Theres seldom sun in sight
In great winters land
Hear clear vocies of ice
Through the biting wind
At the cold northern mountains
Horizoned in wintery dreams
At the cold northern mountains
Cover the horizon
But still I shall reach
The unending darkness that embraces me
Then a there is a solo played over the verse riff, this solo can be played in D.
The song fades out with the solo