• Song:

    You Don't Know Me

  • Artist:

    Internal Afis

ARTIST - Internal Affairs
SONG - You Dont Know Me

Another classic from L.A.'s Internal Affairs.  I havn't written the exact amount of times for each chord, you can hear when it changes.


e ------------------------------------
B ------------------------------------
G ------------------------------------
D 8-7-2---8-7-2---8-7-2---8-7-10--8-7-
A 8-7-2---8-7-2---8-7-2---8-7-10--8-7-
E 6-5-0---6-5-0---6-5-0---6-5-8---6-5-


e -----------------------------------------
B -----------------------------------------
G -----------9-9-----------------9-9-10-10-
D 8-8-10-8-5-9-9-2222-8-8-10-8-7-9-9-10-10- x2
A 8-8-10-8-5-7-7-2222-8-8-10-8-7-7-7-8--8--
E 6-6-8--6-5-----0000-6-6-8--6-5-----------
       palm mute ....


e ---
B ---
G ---
D 2--
A 2-- x4
E 0-- 


play the VERSE part through once, and then the second time, play this shortened version

e ---------------------------
B ---------------------------
G -----------9-9-------------
D 8-8-10-8-7-9-9-2222-8-8-10-
A 8-8-10-8-7-7-7-2222-8-8-10-
E 6-6-8--6-5-----0000-6-6-8--

       palm mute ....


e --------------------------------
B --------------------------------
G -------------------------------- 
D 8-7-2---8-7-2---8-7-2---8-7-10--
A 8-7-2---8-7-2---8-7-2---8-7-10-- play this part twice holding the open E's, then twice palm muting them
E 6-5-0---6-5-0---6-5-0---6-5-8---


play the verse riff through once, then play

e ----------------------
B ----------------------
G 9-9-10-10-9-9-10-10-9-
D 9-9-10-10-9-9-10-10-9-
A 7-7-8--8--7-7-8--8--7-
E ----------------------
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