Carry Tab									by Isis tabs |											tabbed by bmarrero | 									comments (0) 																																													1																							2																							3																							4																							5																																						   								 																	 									print																																							 									send																																							 									report																																																																																																													More versions:																																																																																																																																			Ver 1																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														Recommended tabs																																																											If you like Carry Tab by Isis you might also like these songs:																									Your Hand In Mine Tabby Explosions In The Sky																									Plush Acoustic Tabby Stone Temple Pilots																									The Times They Are A-changin Chordsby Bob Dylan																																																																																																																																Carry Lyricsby Isis Lyrics																						Carry Tabat																																																						 																																																																																																																																																																																												 																																																																																																																												+ to speed up (numpad)															- to slow down (numpad)															Esc to stop																												Help																																																																																																																																																											Carry tab by Isis, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com																																													Listen to Carry																																														Add to favourites																																																																			Tuning (this tab): Drop B[ (x2444x@1)B (x2444x@1)name="chord_244322@1">F# B (x2444x@1)name="chord_022100@1">E G# (xx1114@1)name="chord_x43121@1">C# ]																																																																				Difficulty: intermediate																																																																																			tf_artist = "Isis";											tf_song = "Carry";																																																												Tuning (this tab): Drop BTab (x2444x@1)difficulty: intermediate
Carry by Isis . From   Panopticon  album
Tuning Drop B : B F# B E G# C#
This is just how I play it.
I didn't really check the videos for this one but I've seen 'em play some chords
similar to the last one in RIFF 1B...

Intro: Volume effect: let ring each

1:43 Right channel : Tremolo effect

2:00 Right channel : hi pickup  ,   Lots of reverb
Guitar on right channel keeps playing this, but simplified, for all the rest of the intro
Let ring the hi open B throughout

Modification on the 4th time:

2:01 Left channel
----------------------------/-------------------------------Played 2 Times--|

2:35 Left channel

2:52 Left channel (...suite)

3:09 Left channel
-----------------------------------------------------------------------|Played 6 times

4:00 RIFF 1A (Left channel)
---0-0-0-0-0-0-0--00000---0-0-0-0-----------------------------Played 2 times--|

3rd & 4th time (end variation) (bend last chord only the last time the riff is played)
----0-0-0-0-0-0-0--00000---0-0-0-0-------------------------------|Played 2 times

4:00 RIFF 1B (Right channel)
--0000--7777--0000--3333--55555555555--0-2222--------Played 4 times-------|

4:32 Unison of The Two guitars & channels

  It might not be there but it sounds like some Third guitar plays this: (sounds 
cool to me anyways)

5:03 ----Back to Riff 1A----(Both guitars & channels)-------------------

--0----0---0-----0-----0----------------Played 4 times------------------|
  pm   pm  pm    pm    pm

--0----0----0-----0-------0------------Played 8 times-------------------|
  pm   pm   pm    pm      pm

--33-3333--222--222----00-0000--000--000----Played 2 times--------------|

--00-0000--000--000----------Played 2 times-----------------------------|

h=hammer on
r= release
pm=palm mute

Listen to record for the rhythm.
Comments or improvements welcome. Enjoy!
More Isis tabs to come.																																															Carry Lyrics																																																	tf_artist = "Isis";											tf_song = "Carry";																															         																																																																																																		

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