• Song:

    Goodbye Ghost

  • Artist:

    Israel Nash Gripka


Em (022000@1)                             D (xx0232@1)           AWonder (x02220@1)if your bullet still moves, across the living room.
Em (022000@1)                               D (xx0232@1)                   ADidn't (x02220@1)know it would hurt like this, when I dropped the broken bricks.
Em (022000@1)                      D (xx0232@1)         AFade (x02220@1)it out and fade it in, and live tomorrow again.

G (320003@1)                       D (xx0232@1)  AGoodbye (x02220@1)love, goodbye goodbye ghost.
G (320003@1)                           D (xx0232@1)      AThe (x02220@1)tie that binds, it ain't going to hold.
G (320003@1)                               D (xx0232@1)        AWe (x02220@1)chased the wind, chased it from pillar to post.
G (320003@1)                D (xx0232@1)        ASo (x02220@1)goodbye love and goodbye ghost.

Em (022000@1)                             D (xx0232@1)                  AYou're (x02220@1)a flower and one day late, like a book with a missing page.
Em (022000@1)                       D (xx0232@1)                AYou (x02220@1)never know how it ends, so you start reading it again.
Em (022000@1)                      D (xx0232@1)                       AOne (x02220@1)day the story gets old, well you know how the story goes.

G (320003@1)                       D (xx0232@1)  AGoodbye (x02220@1)love goodbye, goodbye ghost.
G (320003@1)                           D (xx0232@1)      AThe (x02220@1)tie that binds, it ain't going to hold.
G (320003@1)                               D (xx0232@1)        AWe (x02220@1)chased the wind, chased it from pillar to post.
G (320003@1)                D (xx0232@1)         ASo (x02220@1)goodbye love and goodbye ghost.

Hm (x24432@1)                     DTake (xx0232@1)one last look at me and clear it from your memory.
AYou (x02220@1)need to move when your spirit bends.
HmThe (x24432@1)moonlight rolls but these wheels just spin.
G (320003@1)                             DSometimes (xx0232@1)I want to let you know, you should go to the window.
A (x02220@1)                                     EmOpen (022000@1)it up and let the light shine down, and the bullet in the room will find its own way out.

Goodbye love goodbye, goodbye ghost.
The tie that binds, it ain't going to hold.
We chased the wind, chased it from pillar to post.
So goodbye love and goodbye ghost.

Goodbye love goodbye, goodbye ghost.
The tie that binds, it ain't going to hold.
We chased the wind, chased it from pillar to post.
So goodbye love and goodbye ghost.
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