C (x32010@1)        FBlue, (133211@1)blue Sunday

C (x32010@1)	    GYou're (320003@1)the day that always turns me 'round

C (x32010@1)        FBlue, (133211@1)blue Sunday

C (x32010@1)   G (320003@1)   CYou're (x32010@1)the day that always lets me down

CI (x32010@1)go out saturday night

FI'm (133211@1)not looking for a fight

G (320003@1)	 F (133211@1)      CI (x32010@1)just wanna have a good time, with my friends

CIt (x32010@1)always winds up the same

FI (133211@1)forget my name

G (320003@1)     F (133211@1)   CAnd (x32010@1)wind up sleeping on somebody's floor

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