• Song:

    Hear The Noise That Moves So Soft And Low

  • Artist:

    James Vincent Mcmorrow

  • Album:

    Early in the Morning (S...

I am 99% percent sure these are the correct cords for this song. This is the way 
he played it in his lehibooparis live session (Which I think you should check out!).

Techniques for the song: 
While playing the verses, he sometimes hammers on each cord, and during the 
bridges. Also for at the beginning with the C/G chord, he alternates hitting the E 
and the A stings with with right thumb between down up stokes. 
-For the F-bar chord, you can just play an normal beginner F if you want, but its 
more true to the song if you bar it. 

 C/G        G*    F-bar    C/G*    G2*    G3*     G/F#   G4*    C/G**
|---|  |---|   |-1-|   |-x-|   |-0-|  |-3-|   |-0-|  |-3-|   |-0---------|
|-1-|  |---|   |-1-|   |-0-|   |-3-|  |-3-|   |-3-|  |-0-|   |-1---------|
|---|  |---|   |-2-|   |-0-|   |-0-|  |-0-|   |-0-|  |-0-|   |-0---------|
|-2-|  |---|   |-3-|   |-3-|   |-0-|  |-0-|   |-0-|  |-0-|   |-2-0-2-0-2-|
|-3-|  |-2-|   |-3-|   |-4-|   |-2-|  |-2-|   |-0-|  |-0-|   |-3---------|
|-3-|  |-3-|   |-1-|   |-4-|   |-3-|  |-3-|   |-2-|  |-3-|   |-3---------|

Don't stress over the variations of G, other than G/F#. They are just icing on the cake. 

verse 1

C/G    Am       G           F       C/G*     C/G
hear, hear the noise that moves so soft and slow

 Am        G         C       F     Am
thats the sound of freshly fallen snow
              G*               F-bar            C            G2*
your love is gold, your love is gold

C/G      Am        G              F          C/G*   C/G 
seems, seems as though we?ll be stuck out here for days

Am       G           C         F       Am
to bang upon these drums that we have made

           G2*             F-bar
you never know, you never know...

chorus 1:

Am      G2*      F-bar  
my one, my only one

C/G                  G3*
lies sleeping in the sun

F-bar                 Am
gave chase and so we run

G/F#                                   F-bar
nothing breaks your stride like whats become


Am        G       C     F      C/G
Am        G       C     F      Am 
Am        G2*
G2*       F-bar
C         G2*

verse 2:

C/G      Am        G      C       F        C/G
stack, stack the frozen wood next to the shed

Am       G      C         F       Am
pile it up so high then paint it red,

G2*                        F-bar               C             G 
confuse the dogs, confuse the dogs

C/G        Am      G         C     F        C/G
and time, time we lost is resting on the stairs

Am          G      C         F      Am 
the window out reveals the cooler air

         G2*             F-bar 
and so we go, and so we go

chorus 2:

Am          G2*   F-bar 
my one, my only one,

C/G                    G3*
lied twice to keep me on

F-bar                 Am
gave chase and so we sung

G/F#                            F-bar
everything that ends has still begun


            G    Am   F-bar    
from the inside of my mouth

           G   Am      F-bar
and the slow migration south

      G4*   Am   F-bar
it?s not to be denied

     G4*   Am  F-bar 
it?s not to be denied

C/G    Am    G    C    F    C/G 
C/G    Am    G    C    F    C/G
C/G    C/G** Am   G    C     F    C/G
C/G    C/G** Am   G    C     F    C/G

(this is not my song!!! All artistic credit goes to James Vincent McMorrow!)
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