GIf (320003@1)this is redemption, why do I bother at all
       Em (022000@1)                C/G (3x555x@1)            GThere's (320003@1)nothing to mention, and nothing has changed
C/G (3x555x@1)              D (xx0232@1)                        EmStill (022000@1)I'd rather be working at something, than praying for the rain
     C/G (3x555x@1)          D (xx0232@1)              GSo (320003@1)I wander on, till someone else is saved

GI (320003@1)moved to the coast, under a mountain
Em (022000@1)             C/G (3x555x@1)          GSwam (320003@1)in the ocean, slept on my own
C/G (3x555x@1)            D (xx0232@1)                EmAt (022000@1)dawn I would watch the sun cut ribbons through the bay
    C/G (3x555x@1)             D (xx0232@1)              GI'd (320003@1)remember all the things my mother wrote

Em (022000@1)           C/G (3x555x@1)           GThat (320003@1)we don't eat until your father's at the table
         Em (022000@1)            C/G (3x555x@1)             GWe (320003@1)don't drink until the devil's turned to dust
      Em (022000@1)         C/G (3x555x@1)              G (320003@1) G5 (355xxx@1)Em (022000@1)   
Never once has any man I've met been  able  to  love
      C/G (3x555x@1)           D (xx0232@1)          GSo (320003@1)if I were you, I'd have a little trust

GTwo (320003@1)thousand years, I've been in that water
Em (022000@1)               C/G (3x555x@1)       GTwo (320003@1)thousand years, sunk like a stone
C/G (3x555x@1)        DDesperately (xx0232@1)reaching for nets
         EmThat (022000@1)the fisherman have thrown
C/G (3x555x@1)             D (xx0232@1)          GTrying (320003@1)to find, a little bit of hope
GMe (320003@1)I was holding, all of my secrets soft and hid
Em (022000@1)              C/G (3x555x@1)         GPages (320003@1)were folded, then there was nothing at all
C/G (3x555x@1)         D (xx0232@1)           Em (022000@1)               
So if in the future I might need myself a savior
       C/G (3x555x@1)           D (xx0232@1)            G (320003@1)                      
I'll remember what was written on that wall

Em (022000@1)           C/G (3x555x@1)           GThat (320003@1)we don't eat until your father's at the table
         Em (022000@1)            C/G (3x555x@1)             GWe (320003@1)don't drink until the devil's turned to dust
      Em (022000@1)         C/G (3x555x@1)              G (320003@1) G5 (355xxx@1)Em (022000@1)   
Never once has any man I've met been  able  to  love
      C/G (3x555x@1)           D (xx0232@1)          GSo (320003@1)if I were you, I'd have a little trust

Dm (xx0231@1)                   EmAm (022000@1)I an honest man and true
Em (022000@1)                    DmHave (xx0231@1)i been good to you at all
Dm (xx0231@1)                        EmOh (022000@1)I'm so tired of playing these games
EmWe'd (022000@1)just be running down
   GThe (320003@1)same old lines, the same old stories of
FBreathless (133211@1)trains and, worn down glories
Dm (xx0231@1)                       GHouses (320003@1)burning, worlds that turn on their own

Em (022000@1)           C/G (3x555x@1)           GSo (320003@1)we don't eat until your father's at the table
         Em (022000@1)            C/G (3x555x@1)             GWe (320003@1)don't drink until the devil's turned to dust
      Em (022000@1)         C/G (3x555x@1)              G (320003@1) G5 (355xxx@1)Em (022000@1)   
Never once has any man I've met been  able  to  love
      C/G (3x555x@1)                     D (xx0232@1)                                GSo (320003@1)if I were you my friend, I'd learn to have just a little bit of trust

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