AT SEVENTEEN    -       Janis Ian

Capo on 4th

Bm7/G* - G - Gmaj7 - Em/G - G*  2x

  Bm7/G            G          Gmaj7       Em/G       G*                     
I      learned the   truth at      seven-      teen 
    Dsus2/A        Am           E/A       Am7                            
That       love was   meant for    beauty    queens
E*     D7/F#                                                 
   and      high school girls with clear skinned smiles
    Bm7/G        G           Gmaj7        Em/G      G*                     
who      married    young and     then re-     tired  

Bm7/G* - G - Gmaj7 - Em/G - G*

    Bm7/G        G        Gmaj7       Em/G       G*                          
The       valen-   tines I      never     knew, 
   Dsus2/A       Am            E/A          Am7                          
the        friday  nights, cha-    rades of    youth
E*      D7/F#                                               
    Were      spent on one more beautiful
   Bm7/G      G        Gmaj7            Em/G        G*                      
At     seven-   teen I       learned the     truth 

Bm7/G* - G - Gmaj7 - Em/G - G*

And   those of us with ravaged faces, 
Am               D7/F#                                      
   lacking in the      social graces
Gm               Cm                                      
   Desp'ratly re-    mained at home 
    Gm                      Cm                            
in-   venting lovers on the    phone
   Eb                       D                Bb6 - Cm6             
Who   called and say: "come  dance with me" 
    Gm                  Cm                               
and   murmured vague ob-   scenities, 
It    isn't all it seems 
at       seventeen

  Bm7/G            G         Gmaj7        Em/G          G*                   
A       brown eyed   girl in      hand-me-      downs, 
     Dsus2/A       Am       E/A           Am7                           
whose       name I    never     could pro-    nounce 
E*      D7/F#                                                
   said      "Pity, please, the ones who serve,
Bm7/G           G         Gmaj7         Em/G        G*                      
      they only   get what      they de-     serve. 

Bm7/G* - G - Gmaj7 - Em/G - G*

    Bm7/G        G           Gmaj7           Em/G        G*                  
The      rich re-   lationed       home-town      queen 
Dsus2/A       Am      E/A          Am7                                   
       marries   into     what she     needs
With a      guarantee of company
    Bm7/G       G        Gmaj7       Em/G      G*                           
and       haven   for the      elder-     ly" 

Bm7/G* - G - Gmaj7 - Em/G - G*

Re-   member those who win the game, 
Am                    D7/F#                                 
   lose the love they       sought to gain
  Gm               Cm                                     
In   debentures of     quality 
   Gm           Cm                                      
and  dubious in-  tegrity
     Eb                     D             G*                 
Their  small town eyes will  gape at you 
  Gm                  Cm                                 
in  dull surprise when  payment due
Ex-  ceeds accounts received
at     seventeen
Bm7/G* - G - Gmaj7 - EmG - G*
Dsus2/A - Am - E/A - Am7 -
Bm7/G* - G - Gmaj7 - EmG - G*
Am - D7/F# -
Gm - Cm
Gm - Cm
Eb - D - G*
Gm - Cm

e|-------7s5/-----7p5|  |--2-3-/2-------/2-----/--2-3-2-3--2/
B|-----1----/-7p5-7p5|  |0-3-3-/3-3---3-/3-3---/3-3--------3/
G|-0---0-7s5/-7p5-7p5|  |4-4-4-/4-4-4-4-/4-4-4-/4-4--------4/   2x
D|--2--2----/-7p5----|  |5-5-5-/5-5-5-5-/5-5-5-/5-5--------5/
A|0--0-0----/5-------|  |5-----/--------/------/------------/
E|----------/--------|  |3-----/--------/------/------------/

  Bm7/G         G        Gmaj7        Em/G       G*                         
To     those of   us who      know the     pain 
  Dsus2/A      Am            E/A       Am7                               
of       valen-   tines that     never    came,
and     those whose name were never called 
    Bm7/G           G         Gmaj7         Em/G      G*                    
when       choosing   sides at      basket-     ball 

Bm7/G* - G - Gmaj7 - Em/G - G*

      Bm7/G        G       Gmaj7      Em/G      G*                          
It was      long a-  go and     far a-     way 
   Dsus2/A         Am        E/A         Am7                           
The       world was  younger     than to-  day
and     dreams were all they gave for free
  Bm7/G      G           Gmaj7          Em/C     G*                         
to      ugly    duckling      girls like     me 

Bm7/G* - G - Gmaj7 - Em/G - G*

We all  play the game and when we dare 
  Am                 D7/F#                             
to  cheat ourselves at      solitaire
   Gm              Cm                                    
In-  venting lovers  on the phone, 
   Gm             Cm                                     
re-  penting other  lives unknown
    Eb                   D                  G*              
that  call and say "Come    dance with me", 
   Gm                Cm                                 
and   murmur vague ob-  scenities
at     ugly girls like me,
at      seventeen

Bm7/G* - G - Gmaj7 - Em/G - G*   Bm7/G//

Bm7/G*   32023x
G        3200xx
Gmaj7    3240xx
Em/G     3220xx
G*       320xxx
Bm7/G    3202xx
Dsus2/A  x0223x
E/A      x0210x
Am7      x0201x
E*       0xxxxx
D7/F#    2x021x
Gm       35533x
Cm       x35543
Eb       x65343
D        x54232
Bb6      xxx333
Cm6      xxx545
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