Key: Eb Major

This is What i could make out from ear

Intro/Main Riff

Eb5 ///  Eb5 ~~~ 

Verse 1 (Take A Look Around You)

Take A look around you
at the world we've come to know
Does it seem to be much more

Than a Crazy Circus Show?

    Eb5   G5       C5
But Maybe From the madness
Something Beautiful will grow

1st Chorus (Distortion)

      Eb5               Eb5 Eb5 Eb5 Eb5
In a Brave New World

Ab5                               Ab5 Ab5 Ab5 Ab5
With Just a Handful of man

                              Eb5  Eb5
We'll Start, We'll start all over Again  

     Eb5  Eb5
All Over Again (Repeat a few times)

Verse 2 (Same Struming as Intro but Fast and Energetic)

Had trouble mathing it to the words :)

Eb5 /// Eb5 / : Repeat for whole verse (Round about 35 or more Times)

Thank you for reading this tab it was hard to figure out i'm not sure how to play 
the little Electric Riffs but when i can i will put it on a Tab, the Key is Eb
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