C#m (x13321@4)name="chord_x2444x@1">B Ax2 (x02220@1)
Verse 1
C#mI (x13321@4)have seen the many faces,
B (x2444x@1) Aof (x02220@1)fear and of pain.
C#mI (x13321@4)have watched the tears fall plenty,
B (x2444x@1) AFrom (x02220@1)heart ache and strain.
C#mSo (x13321@4)if life's journey,
B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1)Has you weary and afraid.
F#m (244222@1) A (x02220@1)There's rest in the shadow of his wings.
C#mI (x13321@4)have walked through the valleys,
B (x2444x@1) AThe (x02220@1)mountains and plains.
C#mI (x13321@4)have held the hand of freedom,
B (x2444x@1) AThat (x02220@1)washes all my stains.
EIf (022100@1)you feel the weight of many trials,
B (x2444x@1) C#mAnd (x13321@4)burdens from this world.
F#m (244222@1) E (022100@1) AThere's (x02220@1)freedom in the shelter of the Lord.
C#m (x13321@4) A (x02220@1)I have seen,
E (022100@1) BThe (x2444x@1)healing hand of God,
C#m (x13321@4) A (x02220@1) E (022100@1) BReaching (x2444x@1)out and mending broken hearts.
C#m (x13321@4) A (x02220@1) E (022100@1) BTaste (x2444x@1)and see the fullness of His peace,
F#m (244222@1) E (022100@1) AAnd (x02220@1)hold on to what's being held out.
C#m (x13321@4)B (x2444x@1)A (x02220@1)(x2)
The healing hand of God.
Verse 2
C#mI (x13321@4)have touched the scars upon His hands,
B (x2444x@1) ATo (x02220@1)see if they were real.
C#mHe (x13321@4)has walked the road before me,
B (x2444x@1) AHe (x02220@1)knows just how I feel.
A (x02220@1) E (022100@1)When you feel that there's not anyone,
B (x2444x@1) C#mWho (x13321@4)understands your pain,
F#m (244222@1) E (022100@1) AJust (x02220@1)remember all of Jesus' suffering.
Bsus (x24452@1) BCast (x2444x@1)all your cares on Him,
AFor (x02220@1)He cares for you.
Bsus (x24452@1) B (x2444x@1) AHe's (x02220@1)near to the broken and confused.
Bsus (x24452@1) BBy (x2444x@1)His stripes,
C#mOur (x13321@4)spirit is renewed.
A (x02220@1) BSo (x2444x@1)enter in the joy prepared for you.
A (x02220@1) E (022100@1) BThe (x2444x@1)healing hand of God (x2)
E (022100@1) F#m (244222@1) E (022100@1) AAnd (x02220@1)hold on to what's being held out (x2)
B (x2444x@1) C#m (x13321@4) A (x02220@1) E (022100@1) BThe (x2444x@1)healing hand of God
C#m (x13321@4) A (x02220@1) E (022100@1) BOh (x2444x@1) Oh Oh Oh