Capo on the 4th

G- (320003@1) D- (xx0232@1)G (320003@1)-  DEm7- (xx0232@1)D - Em7 - D

G (320003@1)                 D (xx0232@1)
Me miras diferente
G (320003@1)                        D (xx0232@1) Em7       D (xx0232@1)Em7
Me abrazas y no siento tu calor

G (320003@1)                  DTe (xx0232@1)digo lo que siento
G (320003@1)                       D (xx0232@1)       Em7
Me interrumpes y terminas la oraci�n
               D (xx0232@1)      Em7     DSiempre (xx0232@1)tienes la raz�n

Pre Coro:
Cadd9 (x32030@1)  D (xx0232@1)               Dsus4 (xx0233@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D Dsus2 (xx0230@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D
Tuu... libreto de siempre  tan predecible
Cadd9    D
Yaaa... ya me lo se

        Em7                  Cadd9As� (x32030@1)que corre corre corre coraz�n
        G (320003@1)                               D (xx0232@1)name="chord_xx0233@1">Dsus4 D (xx0232@1)name="chord_xx0230@1">Dsus2 DDe (xx0232@1)los dos tu siempre fuiste el mas veloz
     Em7                      Cadd9Toma (x32030@1)todo lo que quieras pero vete ya
         Am (x02210@1)              D (xx0232@1)     Dsus4 (xx0233@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D Dsus2 (xx0230@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D
que mis l�grimas jam�s te voy a dar
        Cadd9 (x32030@1)                  GAs� (320003@1)que corre como siempre no mires atr�s
             Em (022000@1)        D (xx0232@1)            Glo (320003@1)has hecho ya y la verdad me da igual.

G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1) DEm7 (xx0232@1)D   Em7 D

G (320003@1)                            DAnd (xx0232@1)my hearts covered in bruises 
G (320003@1)                                   Em (022000@1)     Em (022000@1)                                  
I don�t accept any excuses from you now, from you know
C9 (x3233x@1)           D (xx0232@1)                             
And you�.can go follow your stupid playbook
C9 (x3233x@1)      DBut (xx0232@1)I�don�t want be apart it. 
      Em (022000@1)                    C9So (x3233x@1)run run aways from me my love
       G (320003@1)                                 DI (xx0232@1)would have tried myself but I have had enough
      Em (022000@1)                          C9You (x3233x@1)can take all that I have, but you and I are through
             Am (x02210@1)                                 DCause (xx0232@1)we both know very well that love was make for two
       C9 (x3233x@1)                                         GSo (320003@1)baby run from me like you ran from her and from the rest
G (320003@1)                 Em (022000@1)                    DIts (xx0232@1)what you do best and I couldn�t care less what you do next

G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1) DEm7 (xx0232@1)D   Em7 D
G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1)Cadd9 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D
Cadd9 D

Pre Coro:
Cadd9 (x32030@1)  D (xx0232@1)                  
Tuuu.... el perro de siempre los mismo trucos
Cadd9 D
Yaaa  Ya me lo s�

        Em7                  Cadd9As� (x32030@1)que corre corre corre coraz�n
        G (320003@1)                               D (xx0232@1)name="chord_xx0233@1">Dsus4 D (xx0232@1)name="chord_xx0230@1">Dsus2 DDe (xx0232@1)los dos tu siempre fuiste el mas veloz
     Em7                      Cadd9Toma (x32030@1)todo lo que quieras pero vete ya
         Am (x02210@1)              D (xx0232@1)     Dsus4 (xx0233@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D Dsus2 (xx0230@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D
que mis l�grimas jam�s te voy a dar
          Em7                         Cadd9 (x32030@1)
Han sido tantas despedidas que en verdad
     G (320003@1)                         D (xx0232@1)name="chord_xx0233@1">Dsus4 D (xx0232@1)name="chord_xx0230@1">Dsus2 DDedicarte (xx0232@1)un verso m�s est� de m�s
        Cadd9 (x32030@1)                     GAs� (320003@1)que corre como siempre que no ir� detr�s
             Em (022000@1)        D (xx0232@1)            Glo (320003@1)has hecho ya y la verdad me da igual.
             Em (022000@1)        D (xx0232@1)            GLo (320003@1)has hecho ya y la verdad me da igual.
             Em (022000@1)           D (xx0232@1)             GLo (320003@1)has hecho ya, pero al final, me da igual.

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        var tabs_user_id         = 5027268;
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                    var instr = 'guitar';
            var applicature          = {"G":[{"l":[],"x":7,"n":[55,47,43,38,35,31],"t":[3,0,0,0,2,3],"g":[3,0,0,0,1,2],"f":0}],"D":[{"l":[],"x":2,"n":[54,50,45,38,-1,-1],"t":[2,3,2,0,-1,-1],"g":[2,3,1,0,0,0],"f":0}],"Em7":[{"l":[],"x":4,"n":[52,47,43,38,35,28],"t":[0,0,0,0,2,0],"g":[0,0,0,0,1,0],"f":0}],"Cadd9":[{"l":[],"x":0,"n":[52,48,43,38,36,-1],"t":[0,1,0,0,3,-1],"g":[0,1,0,0,3,0],"f":0}],"Dsus4":[{"l":[{"f":3,"b":0,"e":1,"r":2}],"x":2,"n":[55,50,45,38,-1,-1],"t":[3,3,2,0,-1,-1],"g":[0,0,1,0,0,0],"f":0}],"Dsus2":[{"l":[],"x":2,"n":[53,50,45,38,-1,-1],"t":[1,3,2,0,-1,-1],"g":[1,3,2,0,0,0],"f":0}],"Am":[{"l":[],"x":9,"n":[52,48,45,40,33,-1],"t":[0,1,2,2,0,-1],"g":[0,1,3,2,0,0],"f":0}],"Em":[{"l":[],"x":4,"n":[52,47,43,40,35,28],"t":[0,0,0,2,2,0],"g":[0,0,0,2,1,0],"f":0}],"C9":[{"l":[],"x":0,"n":[52,48,46,38,36,-1],"t":[0,1,3,0,3,-1],"g":[0,1,4,0,3,0],"f":0}]};
            var acc_tuning           = "E A (x02220@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D G (320003@1)name="chord_x2444x@1">B E";
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