hey there guys. this is my first tab, so i hope it's easy to read, and you all think that it's pretty solid. i could only figure out the intro, but i'm trying to get the rest of the song up whenever i learn it. thanks for checking this out, and keep on rockin'

* KEY *
b = Bend
sb = slow bend
sr = slow release bend
r = release bend
/ = slide
h = hammer on
p = pull off

*note* -- begin all slides on the 5th fret

e| ----------------------------5---5------------------------------------7----------------
B| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
G| -----------7--9--9br--7--/7---7---7--9br--7--9--7--9br--7--9--7--9sb--9sr--7--9--7----
D| ------7--9----------------------------------------------------------------------------
A| -7--9---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
E| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

e| -----5---5----------------
B| --------------------------
G| --/7---7---7--9sbr--9p7h9-
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