Chain Reaction- John Farnham
Tabbed by: Sidda and Cridda

Here it is ppl, the full version of the song.

Intro- A D A E 

A (x02220@1)   
One shot in the revolution
DOne (xx0232@1)drop from a poison pen
F#mOne (244222@1)fruit too small and bitter
DOne (xx0232@1)tree to proud to bend
AOne (x02220@1)man to start the trouble
C#mOne (x13321@4)kiss to seal your fate
DOne (xx0232@1)kid that needs some action
E (022100@1)                          AOne (x02220@1)link in a chain reaction

E (022100@1)             AI (x02220@1)got a fever,  fever in my soul
E (022100@1)                     ANo, (x02220@1)I don't want to die before I get old
C#mIt (x13321@4)took some time just to bring me here
DNobody's (xx0232@1)gonna put me down
    DmDo (xx0231@1)I make myself clear

A (x02220@1)   
One shot in the revolution
DOne (xx0232@1)drop from a poison pen
F#mOne (244222@1)fruit too small and bitter
DOne (xx0232@1)tree to proud to bend
AOne (x02220@1)man to start the trouble
C#mOne (x13321@4)kiss to seal your fate
DOne (xx0232@1)kid that needs some action
E (022100@1)                         AOne (x02220@1)link in a chain reaction

E (022100@1)               AI've (x02220@1)got trouble, trouble in my life
E (022100@1)                         AAnd (x02220@1)I've been living on the edge of a knife
C#mBut (x13321@4)I don't intend to let you down
DI'm (xx0232@1)gonna give you love
DmBefore (xx0231@1)I hit the ground

AOne (x02220@1)cruel and callous lover
DOne (xx0232@1)blow below the belt
AOne (x02220@1)chance without another
DOne (xx0232@1)heart too cool to melt
C#m (x13321@4)         D (xx0232@1) 
One link in a chain reaction
E (022100@1)                    
One link in a chain reaction

A (x02220@1)     D (xx0232@1)     C#m (x13321@4)    D (xx0232@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A       F#m (244222@1)   D (xx0232@1)      E (022100@1)
AOne (x02220@1)shot in the revolution
DOne (xx0232@1)drop from a poison pen
AOne (x02220@1)fruit too small and bitter
DOne (xx0232@1)tree to proud to bend
C#mOne (x13321@4)man to start the trouble
DOne (xx0232@1)kiss to seal your fate
AOne (x02220@1)link in a chain reaction
EOne (022100@1)link in a chain reaction

AOne (x02220@1)shot in the revolution
DOne (xx0232@1)drop from a poison pen
AOne (x02220@1)fruit too small and bitter
DOne (xx0232@1)tree to proud to bend
C#mOne (x13321@4)man to start the trouble
DOne (xx0232@1)kiss to seal your fate
AOne (x02220@1)link in a chain reaction
EOne (022100@1)link in a chain reaction

A (x02220@1)    D (xx0232@1)    A (x02220@1)    D (xx0232@1)   
A (x02220@1)    D (xx0232@1)    A (x02220@1)    D (xx0232@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A  

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