G (320003@1) Hope grows between cracks in the asphault EmIn (022000@1)the downtown ghetto streets that contour D (xx0232@1) GThe (320003@1)government housing intentions of my heart No one notices the daisies don't care EmAbout (022000@1)gang related violence DAs (xx0232@1)long as they get enough air and water and sun CThey're (x32010@1)all just fine Em (022000@1) GWho (320003@1)would've thought it but life is finding a way DThrough (xx0232@1)this wasteland of cynics, concrete, and pain EmThere's (022000@1)a man down here somewhere between GThe (320003@1)Saturday cartooons and the dirty magazines DHe's (xx0232@1)raising the dead in the graveyards CWhere (x32010@1)we've laid down our dreams GHis (320003@1)name is Hope GHope (320003@1)stands high on the 15th floor EmOn (022000@1)a Christmas tree perched about the ledge of a fortress D (xx0232@1) Gof (320003@1)steel that's trying to hard to be somebody's home EmAs (022000@1)it sees my attention from I-85 though the throws of the day Were still writhing inside DI (xx0232@1)lifted my head as I drove home that night and knew CEverything (x32010@1)was gonna be fine Em (022000@1) GWho (320003@1)would've thought it but life is finding a way DThrough (xx0232@1)this wasteland of cynics, concrete, and pain EmThere's (022000@1)a man down here not worried or afraid GThat (320003@1)some politician forgot all the promises he made DAnd (xx0232@1)he's raising the dead in the graveyards CWhere (x32010@1)we've laid down our dreams GHis (320003@1)name is Hope CHis (x32010@1)name is Hope DEverybody (xx0232@1)needs a little x2 CHis (x32010@1)name is Hope DEverybody (xx0232@1)wants a little x2 CHis (x32010@1)name is Hope DEverybody (xx0232@1)needs a little Em (022000@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) C (x32010@1)EmThere's (022000@1)a man down here not worried or afraid GThat (320003@1)some politician forgot all the promises he made DAnd (xx0232@1)he's raising the dead in the graveyards CWhere (x32010@1)we've laid down our dreams GHis (320003@1)name is Hope GCan (320003@1)you hear him outside he's been singing all night EmHe's (022000@1)saying when you gonna come out from behind D (xx0232@1) CThese (x32010@1)paper thin walls, your cardboard box realities