• Song:

    Rhythm Doesnt Make You A Dancer

  • Artist:

    Jon Fratelli

SONG: "Rhythm Doesn't Make You a Dancer"
ARTIST: Jon Fratelli
KEY: Am, no capo, standard tuning.

"p" = pull

Main Verse Riff:
  Am (x02210@1)      Em (022000@1)     F (133211@1)   G (320003@1)       Am (x02210@1)    Em (022000@1)     F (133211@1)   G|---------------------------------------------------------0----0------| (320003@1)|---------1p0------------1-0--1-0----------1p0--------------3----3p0--|


Chorus Riff:
                                                             G7(on (320001@1)"Hey-o-ey-o-ey-o ")

Key Change:
    (transition)          Bm (x24432@1)    F#m (244222@1)   G (320003@1)     A|-------------------------2---2---2---2---3---3---5---5-------| (x02220@1)|-------------------------3---2---2---2---3---3---5---5-------|

(Note: He might simply play Bm, F#m, G and A as power chords, like the transition.
In which case, the Bm would probably be "9-11-11," from low E string to D string.
For the rest, just chop off the top 3 strings and you've got your chord.)

Key Change Back:
  Bm (x24432@1)  F#m|-2--2--2--2------------------------------------------------------------| (244222@1)|-3--3--2--2------------------------------------------------------------|
|-2--2--4--4---2--3--4--5--6--7------6-7---6-7----(etc., see: Chorus.)--|

Then Main Verse Riff
Am Em F G
Am Em, F, E, Am

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