Jesus is Alive by Josh Wilson
tabs by Don B.

CWish (x32010@1)that I was there, 
COn (x32010@1)that silent night, 
C (x32010@1)                          E (022100@1)          FWhen (133211@1)your tiny heart started beating for mine,

CI (x32010@1)wish I couldve seen, 
CThe (x32010@1)star in Davids town, 
C (x32010@1)                           E (022100@1)   FWhen (133211@1)you turned a stable into Holy ground. 
       D (xx0232@1)                FId (133211@1)sing along, the angels song.

CNoel, (x32010@1)Noel, Jesus is alive. 
AmEmanuel, (x02210@1)hope is here tonight. 
    F (133211@1)            C (x32010@1)         G (320003@1)        AmSo (x02210@1)go, and tell, the world that death has died. 
       F (133211@1)       C (x32010@1)       F (133211@1)       CCause (x32010@1)Jesus is alive. Yea Jesus is alive.

CThe (x32010@1)God who made us all, 
CWith (x32010@1)these two little hands, 
C (x32010@1)                              E (022100@1)   FIs (133211@1)bringing us his kingdom quiet as a lamb. 
COh (x32010@1)such Amazing Grace! 
CA (x32010@1)divine conspiracy. 
C (x32010@1)                                         
This Savior in a manger changes   
E (022100@1)    Feverything. (133211@1)
        D (xx0232@1)            
That's why we sing.


FSin (133211@1)you have no sting. 
FHell (133211@1)you have no power - Jesus is alive 
AmCurse (x02210@1)you are no more. 
AmThis (x02210@1)is your final hour - Jesus is alive 
FBecause (133211@1)the son of God 
FHas (133211@1)not left us alone - Jesus is alive 
AmHe'll (x02210@1)live and die and rise again, and then 
Amhe'll (x02210@1)bring us home - Jesus is alive 
FThe (133211@1)old will pass away 
FAnd (133211@1)we will become new. (Jesus is alive) 
Am (x02210@1)                                   FThis (133211@1)baby boy is making all sad things untrue.


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