Since You've Asked
By Judy Collins

Transcribed by Clive Sax

An absolutely beautiful song by Judy Collins Enjoy!  

Some strange chords but easy shapings and transitions using the chord shapes below 
and not the automated ones!!:0)
Also the B7 chord is  interchangeable with a normal B chord - I prefer B7 as it's 
an easy transition from the D9 chord before it.

Chord shapes    Em9 -      022032
                A7sus.4    002030
                D9         054550
                D9sus4     x55555
                Gsus4.A     x0553x
                G6 (320000@1)       xx5453
                A9sus4     x05435
                A9 (x02423@1)       x05605
                Asus4 (x02230@1)    x00230
                Fmaj9 (103010@1)    x03010

Intro: Em   Bm  C  F  Esus4.4

Em9 (022032@1)                         Bm7What (x20202@1)I'll give you since you asked
   G (320003@1)              Asus4.4   A7Is (x02020@1)all my time together;
Em9 (022032@1)                                                  
Take the rugged sunny days,
     G (320003@1)              Asus4.4  A7The (x02020@1)warm and Rocky weather,
Am7 (x02010@1)               D9               Am7Take (x02010@1)the roads that I have walked along,
           D9             B7Looking (x21202@1)for tomorrow's time,
Peace of mind.

Em9 (022032@1)                  Bm7As (x20202@1)my life spills into yours,
G (320003@1)               Asus4.4   A7Changing (x02020@1)with the hours
Em9 (022032@1)                       
Filling up the world with time,
G (320003@1)              Asus4.4   A7Turning (x02020@1)time to flowers,
Am7 (x02010@1)                     D9
I can show you all the songs
Am7 (x02010@1)         D9      B7 (x21202@1)    Gsus4.A
That I never sang to one man before.

G6 (320000@1)                                     A9sus.4
We have seen a million stones lying by the water.
G6You (320000@1)have climbed the hills with me
               A9sus.4    A9To (x02423@1)the mountain shelter,
Am7 (x02010@1)                   D9 sus.4
Taken off the days one by one,
Am7 (x02010@1)                          Fmaj9Setting (103010@1)them to breathe in the sun.

Em9 (022032@1)   
Take the lilies and the lace
G (320003@1)                 A9sus4   A7From (x02020@1)the days of childhood,
Em9All (022032@1)the willow winding paths
G (320003@1)             A7sus4.4   A7Leading (x02020@1)up and outward,
Am7 (x02010@1)            D9
This is what I give,
Am7 (x02010@1)           D9         B7This (x21202@1)is what I ask you for;
Nothing more.
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