C   Em   C7 
Somewhere over the rainbow, 
F   Fm7  F7    Em7  C  Em7  G?  
Way up        high, 
  F     Fm   C           A/9- 
There's a   land that I heard of 
 D7       Dm   G7   C   C#m7    G/9- 
Once in a lul- la- by. 

 C   Em   C7 
Somewhere over the rainbow, 
F     Fm7  F7  Em7  C  Em7  G?  
Skies are      blue, 
  F  Fm   C              A/9-    D7 
And the dreams that you dare to dream 
       Dm  G7    C 
Really do come true. 
 G   C        Am   C      Am 
Someday I'll wish upon a star 
    F        Dm7        F         Dm7    C6     G  F  C 
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me, 
  G7  C        Am         C     Am 
Where troubles melt like lemon drops, 
Away above the chimney tops, 
  Dm6   Cm    C?      Dm7   G#5 
That's where  you'll find   me. 

 C   Em   C7 
Somewhere over the rainbow, 
F   Fm7  F7  Em7  C  Em7  G?  
Bluebirds    fly. 
 F    Fm   C        A/9- 
Birds fly over the rainbow-- 
 D7           Dm  G7    C 
Why, then, oh why can't I? 

G7   C     C/B     Am7      Am7/G 
If   happy little bluebirds fly 
  Dm7              F       Fm  F?    C    F    Fm    C 
Beyond the rainbow why, oh why can't I?
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