Band: Kalmah
Song: Hades
Album: Swamplord

There are still a few mistakes, the spacing is not 100% correct and
I have not tabbed the 2nd solo

tune down 1/2 step (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb eb)

|                                                                           |

Riff 1:


Intro 2:

Welcome to Hades...                      my Hades...

Riff 2:
|  . . . . . . . . . . .  .......... ...........  |
    ..................    ........... ...........

Riff 3:


Riff 4:
      ...     ...     ...     ...       ...     ...

Riff 5:                                  1st time:     2nd time:

Fill 1:

Fill 2:

Solo 1 (clean):

------------------------141210-9~-10p9-7---   ?    ------------|

Solo 2: I'm working on it... :)
  . . .   .    . . .   .    . . .   .    . . .   .     . . .   .


-------5---5--------5---5--------5---5----  etc.  -------------------
  . . .   .    . . .   .   . . .   .

Riff order:

2x Intro
2x Riff 1
   Intro 2
4x Riff 2
2x Riff 3
   Riff 4
   Fill 1
2x Riff 1
   Fill 2
4x Riff 2
2x Riff 3
   Riff 4
   Fill 1
   Solo 1
4x Riff 5
   Solo 2
2x Riff 5
 then play a long powerslide before you return to
4x Riff 5
 end the song with 2x E5 (7th fret)
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