• Song:

    In Love Again

  • Artist:

    Karen Kong

Artist: Karen Kong
Title : In Love Again
Album : Showdown
Tabbed by: KusanagiSai

*********** A little words from the author ***********
Hello again everyone, this is about my 4th/5th chord that I write... Still in the
to learn. Soooooo just some words as usual such as:

1. This is the original work of mine, so if you want to post this at somewhere else,
write down my name KusanagiSai as the Author and The sites you get this chord from
Maybe there's no punishment for you if you didn't do so, but it will make you as the 
people in the world that don't know how to appreciate others work!

2. I didn't claim this chord is already perfect. In fact, the intro, bridges still in
So if you found out the right key, don't hesitate to leave a message for me, it will help
to improve!

3. Last but not least, enjoy...!


Intro: C G F C F Em Am 
G Am Em F Fm

CWhen (x32010@1)you smile
              Am (x02210@1)          GMy (320003@1)life becomes a ray of light
         F (133211@1)    DmSing (xx0231@1)me a lullaby
   Am (x02210@1)         GTo (320003@1)sleep at midnight
   C (x32010@1)        C7I'll (x32310@1)be hypnotized
              Em (022000@1)   AmWhen (x02210@1)looked into your eyes
             FTurn (133211@1)off the room light
        G (320003@1)      CLet's (x32010@1)spend the night

    G (320003@1)         F* (133211@1)Take me to far away
       Em (022000@1)           AmAway (x02210@1)to your secret place
        F (133211@1)       GTake (320003@1)my tears my fears
           CTake (x32010@1)all my pain
      C7 (x32310@1)     F (133211@1)   FmFor (133111@1)which I'll repay someday
       Em (022000@1)     AmWith (x02210@1)a kiss and say
      F (133211@1)             GCan't (320003@1)believe that I'm in love
        C (x32010@1)   G (320003@1)name="chord_022000@1">Em F (133211@1)name="chord_133111@1">Fm
In love again

      CWhen (x32010@1)the stars don't shine
             Am (x02210@1)        GAnd (320003@1)when the birds don't fly
            F (133211@1)       DmAnd (xx0231@1)when the flowers cry
            Am (x02210@1)     GAnd (320003@1)when the rain runs dry
        C (x32010@1)       C7When (x32310@1)the violet's red
            Em (022000@1)       AmAnd (x02210@1)when the rose turns blue
F (133211@1)        Fm (133111@1)   G (320003@1)      CBaby (x32010@1)I'm still in love with you

    G (320003@1)         F* (133211@1)Take me to far away
       Em (022000@1)           AmAway (x02210@1)to your secret place
        F (133211@1)       GTake (320003@1)my tears my fears
           CTake (x32010@1)all my pain
      C7 (x32310@1)     F (133211@1)   FmFor (133111@1)which I'll repay someday
       Em (022000@1)     AmWith (x02210@1)a kiss and say
      F (133211@1)             GCan't (320003@1)believe that I'm in love
        CIn (x32010@1)love again

    G (320003@1)         F* (133211@1)Take me to far away
       Em (022000@1)           AmAway (x02210@1)to your secret place
        F (133211@1)       GTake (320003@1)my tears my fears
           CTake (x32010@1)all my pain
      C7 (x32310@1)     F (133211@1)   FmFor (133111@1)which I'll repay someday
       Em (022000@1)     AmWith (x02210@1)a kiss and say
      F (133211@1)             GCan't (320003@1)believe that I'm in love
        C (x32010@1)   F (133211@1)name="chord_320003@1">G Em (022000@1)name="chord_x02210@1">Am F (133211@1)name="chord_x32010@1">C
In love again

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