"Hello Earth" By Kate Bush From her classic album "Hounds of Love" (1985) Please rate! I worked really hard on this! It's my favorite song of all time. C#m (x13321@4) Abm/B Hello, earth. F#m/A B (x2444x@1) Hello, earth. C#m (x13321@4) F#m/A B (x2444x@1) With just one hand held up high C#m (x13321@4) Abm/B I can blot you out, C#m (x13321@4) Abm/B Out of sight. F#m/A Peek-A-boo, BPeek-a-boo, (x2444x@1)little earth. C#m (x13321@4) F#m/A B (x2444x@1) With just my heart and my mind C#mI (x13321@4)can be driving, Driving home, F#m/A And you asleep BOn (x2444x@1)the seat. A (x02220@1) I get out of my car, B (x2444x@1)Step into the night C#mAnd (x13321@4)look up at the sky. A (x02220@1)And there's something bright, B (x2444x@1) Traveling fast. C#m Look at it go! Abm/B Look at it go! (Men's Choral Part) Fsus4 (113311@1) F (133211@1) F7 (131241@1) Bb/F (102220@1) F (133211@1) F7 (131241@1) Bb/F (102220@1)Fm (133111@1) Eb (x43121@3) Ab/Eb C#/Eb Ab/Eb Eb (x43121@3) F (133211@1)C#m (x13321@4) Abm/B Hello earth, F#m/A B (x2444x@1) Hello earth. C#m (x13321@4) Watching storms F#/A C#m (x13321@4)Start to form Over america. F#m/A Can't do anything. B (x2444x@1)Just watch them swing With the wind C#m Out to sea. A/C# (042220@1) BAll (x2444x@1)you sailors, C#m (x13321@4) ("get out of the waves! get out of the water!") A/C# (042220@1) B (x2444x@1)All life-savers, C#m (x13321@4) ("get out of the waves! get out of the water!") A/C# (042220@1) BAll (x2444x@1)you cruisers, C#m (x13321@4) ("get out of the waves! get out of the water!") A (x02220@1) All you fishermen, B (x2444x@1) A (x02220@1)Head for home. B (x2444x@1) C#mGo (x13321@4)to sleep, little earth. A (x02220@1) I was there at the birth, B (x2444x@1) Out of the cloudburst, C#mThe (x13321@4)head of the tempest. A (x02220@1)Murderer! B (x2444x@1)Murder of calm. C#m Why did I go? Abm/B Why did I go? (Men's Choral Part) Fsus4 (113311@1) F7 (131241@1) Bb/F (102220@1) F (133211@1) F7 (131241@1) Bb/F (102220@1) Fm (133111@1) Eb (x43121@3) Ab/Eb C#/Eb Ab/Eb Eb (x43121@3) F (133211@1)(Repeat two more times and then play high C#s above instrumentals) (Spoken in a whisper) Go to sleep little earth.