------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRIGHT WHITES - Kishi Bashi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: Wil-man-101 at Ultimate-Guitar JAPANESE INTRO: G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) keya keya sorya douse ne, Ckeya (x32010@1)keya sorya douse dame da. yamerarenai yamerarenai. G (320003@1) Ddouse (xx0232@1)dame dakedo yamerarenai ne keya keya sorya douse ne, keya keya sorya douse dame da. taerarenai taerarenai, douse dame da kedo taerarenai ne [x2] VERSE: G (320003@1) Dyou (xx0232@1)and me at the edge of the world C (x32010@1) G (320003@1) Dwith (xx0232@1)a pretty little smile for me to see, me to see G (320003@1) Dnew (xx0232@1)bright whites and a cage full of ice C (x32010@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) C (x32010@1)and a naked little canopy to feed my disease, my disease PRECHORUS: G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1)Cand (x32010@1)if you're to smile at me Bm (x24432@1) DI (xx0232@1)could cry by land or sea VERSE: after you said that you like Big Red I opened up my mind and skipped a beat, skipped a beat cufflinks and hands in wrong places and faces and creepy little movies made me weep, made me weep, made me weep PRECHORUS: and if you're to say to me (forever and...) what is mine is yours to keep (forever and...) CHORUS: Bm (x24432@1) Gwell (320003@1)you know, I'll have to see Bm (x24432@1) D (xx0232@1) C (x32010@1) Gif (320003@1)all the stars aligned we could've solved the mystery Bm (x24432@1) Git's (320003@1)a partial fantasy Bm (x24432@1) D (xx0232@1) C (x32010@1) Gwe're (320003@1)living in a land that went astray from history Dprehistory (xx0232@1) JAPANESE INTRO [There's a D# thrown in here just before the verse] VERSE: you and me at the edge of the bed looking at the faded pictures for you to see and me to see murder and colonies, land without rivers raging in the middle of some sad destiny, destiny PRECHORUS: take one look to find my eyes (forever and...) safety's in your inner thigh CHORUS: well you know, I'll have to see, if all the stars aligned we could have solved the mystery it's a partial fantasy we're living in a land that went astray from history prehistory JAPANESE INTRO douse dame dakedo yamerarenai ne [repeat] (In Japanese, "douse dame da" means "probably impossible", "yamerarenai" means "can't stop", and "taerarenai" means "can't take it anymore".) 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