20th Century Fox Opening Drum Tab by Kolton Rodgers tabs | tabbed by kramer09 | comments (0) 1 2 3 4 5 print send report 20th Century Fox Opening Drum Tabat 911Tabs.com + to speed up (numpad) - to slow down (numpad) Esc to stop Help 20th Century Fox Opening Drum Tab by Kolton Rodgers, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com Listen to 20th Century Fox Opening Add to favourites tf_artist = "Kolton Rodgers"; tf_song = "20th Century Fox Opening"; CC |----------------|----------x--x--|--xx---x--------|x-x-x--xxx--x---| HH |----------------|----------X-----|--XX------------|-------XXX------| S |d-d--d-d--oooooo|oooo-d-d--------|-----o-o-ooo----|-----------o-o--| FT |0-0--0-0--------|-----0-0----oo--|oo---o-------o-o|-----------d-d--| B |o-o--o-o--o-----|-----o-o--o--o--|-----o-------o-o|-o-o--O----o-o--| CC |--xxx--x-----x-x|-x----x------- HH |--XXX--------X-X|-X------------ S |----------------|----------- FT |------o-o-------|----o---o------ B |O-----o-o--O----|-------------- tf_artist = "Kolton Rodgers"; tf_song = "20th Century Fox Opening";