yes i know that this song is meant for bagpipes but it sounds really cool on gutiar. also remember that head and munky always play ibanez 7 strings. never believe anything else!!! this might be in the wrong key so listen to the cd and move it up or down a fret or two. please come back and correct me if you would like. d:--11-11-11-11-11-12-14------11-12-11--------- a:-------------------------12----------12------ F:--------------------------------------------- C:--------------------------------------------- repeat twice G:--------------------------------------------- D:--------------------------------------------- A:--------------------------------------------- d:-------------------------------------------------- a:--10-10-10-10-10-----10-10-10-10-10-----10-12----- F:-------------------------------------------------- C:-------------------------------------------------- G:-------------------------------------------------- D:-------------------------------------------------- A:-------------------------------------------------- just repeat this over and over agian. the rest of it is just bass. and it's really easy. maybe i'll tab it.have fun. i'm also gonna start working on the bass part for all you bass/guitarists out there.