ok its easy 
capo 5th fret
this is a very fast song so strum is 4/4 driving 8th notes
my name is justin lee i think this is prety easy for people just one tricky note F
I am from an awesome church ICHTUS MISSION CHURCH!!


intro: G G G G


G (320003@1)            G (320003@1)              
some hope in what there eyes can see
    F (133211@1)         F (133211@1)    
we hope in the gloruious unseen

C (x32010@1)         C (x32010@1)          C (x32010@1)    
in a risen and returning king
G (320003@1)               G (320003@1)                    Fsome (133211@1)are chasing the treasures of this world

Fwe (133211@1)run to a gloriuos reward

C (x32010@1)         C (x32010@1)             C (x32010@1)   Cthe (x32010@1)only name worth living for


G (320003@1)       Gsay (320003@1)say say you believe it

C (x32010@1)     Csing (x32010@1)for the whole world to hear it

Em (022000@1)         Em (022000@1)            C (x32010@1)      Dwe (xx0232@1)know and we declare that jesus is king

G (320003@1)       Gsay (320003@1)say say you believe it

C (x32010@1)       Csing (x32010@1)loud sing like you mean it

Em (022000@1)        Em (022000@1)         C (x32010@1)        Dwe (xx0232@1)kno and we declare it Jesus is king   
D (xx0232@1)   DSAY! (xx0232@1)SAY!


verse 2:

G (320003@1)                   Gwe (320003@1)set our hearts on what will last

F (133211@1)              Fyoure (133211@1)word youre love youre faithfulness

C (x32010@1)              Cour (x32010@1)hope is built on nothing less

G (320003@1)       G (320003@1)                     Fwe (133211@1)open wide our mouths to praise

Flet (133211@1)this generation raise

C (x32010@1)       C (x32010@1)             C (x32010@1)     Ca (x32010@1)song of freedom all our days~~


G (320003@1)         Gsay (320003@1)say! say you believe it

C (x32010@1)     C (x32010@1) 
sing for whole world to hear it

Em (022000@1)        Em (022000@1)             C (x32010@1)      Dwe (xx0232@1)know and we declare that Jesus is king

G (320003@1)         Gsay (320003@1)say say you belive it

C (x32010@1)             Csing (x32010@1)loud sing like you mean it

Em (022000@1)        Em (022000@1)            C (x32010@1)       Dwe (xx0232@1)know and we declare that Jesus is king

D (xx0232@1)  DSAY (xx0232@1)SAY!

intro to bridge:palm muting


bridge:palm muting also
G (320003@1)       Gi (320003@1)believe (i believe)

F (133211@1)                Fyoure (133211@1)kingdom come (youre kingdom come)

G (320003@1)        Gson (320003@1)of God ( son of God)

F (133211@1)              Fthe (133211@1)king of love (the king of love)

G (320003@1)      Gi (320003@1)belive (i belive)

F (133211@1)                Fyoure (133211@1)kingdom come (youre kingdom come)

C/E (x3111x@5)          C/Ethe (x3111x@5)son of God (the son of God)

F (133211@1)              Fthe (133211@1)king of love (the king of love)

chorus:without palm muting

G (320003@1)        Gsay (320003@1)say say you belive it

C (x32010@1)            Csing (x32010@1)for whole world to hear it

Em (022000@1)       Em (022000@1)          C (x32010@1)        Dwe (xx0232@1)kno and we declare it Jesus is king

G (320003@1)        Gsay (320003@1)say say you believe it

C (x32010@1)           Csing (x32010@1)loud sing like you mean it

Em (022000@1)         Em (022000@1)         C (x32010@1)      DWe (xx0232@1)kno and we declare it Jesus is king


G (320003@1)name="chord_320003@1">G G (320003@1)name="chord_320003@1">G G (320003@1)name="chord_320003@1">G G (320003@1)name="chord_320003@1">G /G
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