C'mon Through by Lasse Lindh
Hi, I've looked through site after site to find chords for this song, but could 
not find any. So I've found some very simple chords for this song. Enjoy!

Em (022000@1)   C (x32010@1)    GIt (320003@1)ain't so easy
Em (022000@1)  C (x32010@1)    GTo (320003@1)love you true
Em (022000@1)   C (x32010@1)         GAccount (320003@1)of all the rattlesnakes
    Em (022000@1)      C (x32010@1)      G (320003@1)     DAnd (xx0232@1)all that makes you blue
A (x02220@1)           CBut (x32010@1)it's worth it
    A (x02220@1)          CI-I (x32010@1)love the thrill
Let the chord C ring ~~
Come come come
             GCome (320003@1)on through
          DCome (xx0232@1)on you
            Em (022000@1)        DCome (xx0232@1)dig right into my heart

And basically that's all you'll play through out the whole song. 
Thanks! :)
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