Shissou (Ouran High School Host Club Ending theme) Intro This is all done by ear, but from what I hear this tablature i've done sounds pretty correct. The Intro is basically composed of two guitars playing at the same time. I've tabbed both of them for you. For a guide to follow when playing the tabs use: First Guitar (Background Rhythm): I've broken it down in to small segments of tab to make it easier to understand. Tuning E A D G B e (Standard): 0:00 e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------| A|--9-9-9-7---11---11---11-------------| E|-------------------------------------| 0:04 e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------| A|--11--11---9-11-12-11-12-14-12-------| E|-------------------------------------| 0:08 e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------| A|--16-16-16-12-11-12-14-12------------| E|-------------------------------------| 0:12 e|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------| A|--11-11-11-7-9-----------------------| E|-------------------------------------| Second Guitar (Melody): This part was quite difficult to figure out, i've tried to make it as easy as possible to understand. Pay close attention to the time at which the section of tab stars and the spacing between notes. Tuning E A D G B e (Standard): 0:00 e|----------7---------| B|------7-----7-------| G|--7-7---7-----7-----| TIP: Basically what you want to do is barre the first D|--------------------| 3 strings on the 7th fret. A|--------------------| E|--------------------| 0:02 e|--12---10---9--9----| B|--9----7----9--9----| G|--9----7----X--X----| TIP: Basically you are strumming only the 1st, 2nd D|--X----X----X--X----| and 3rd strings except on the last two strums A|--X----X----X--X----| on which you just barre the first two strings E|--X----X----X--X----| of the 9th fret. 0:04 0:06 e|----------12--------------------| TIP: Now this part is a bit tricky. B|--9---9-7----9-7-9-10--10-12----| In this segment of tablature G|--------------------------------| the lead guitar will follow the same D|--------------------------------| rhythm and sound as the backing A|--------------------------------| guitar until the note 12 is played. E|--------------------------------| Just try to follow the rhythm of the backing guitar and play the notes. If you listen to the track closely you'll be able to hear that high note on the 12th fret at 0:06 and that should guide you on how to play the rest 0:08 e|----------7-------------| B|------7-----7-----------| G|--7-7---7-----7-7-------| TIP: This section is basically the same notes and D|------------------------| rhythm as in the first line of tab for the A|------------------------| 2nd guitar. Notice the extra 7 at the end. E|------------------------| 0:11 e|----7---9------------| B|----------7----------| G|--7---7-----7--------| TIP: Just listen to the track provided for guidance. D|---------------------| Basically follows second half of the pattern A|---------------------| in the line of tablature above. E|---------------------| 0:12 e|--11--11--7--9-----------------| B|--12--12--8--10----------------| TIP: You basically playing two G# barre G|--13--13--9--11----------------| chords followed by an E barre chord D|--13--13--9--11----------------| and an F# barre chord. A|--11--11--7--9-----------------| E|--11--11--7--9-----------------| -Tabbed by Delaney Ramalho Any questions or comments feel free to email me at