Meheni Rachi
This is just something I sounded out and the translation lyrics from

G (320003@1)                                               CMama (x32010@1)gave me everything, Gave me all her life
 D (xx0232@1)                                   GBut (320003@1)Mama never told me that i would be a wife

G (320003@1)                                            CMy (x32010@1)father gave me everything, taught me wrong from right
D (xx0232@1)                                            COh (x32010@1)Daddy take me out of here I cannot deal with life

D (xx0232@1)                                   EmAnd (022000@1)if you see my sisters they are small and gold
D (xx0232@1)                                                  GThey (320003@1)would believe a thing you say they don't believe in soul

Em (022000@1)  GI'm (320003@1)a believer 
Em (022000@1)    GI'm (320003@1)no deceiver

G (320003@1)                             CI'll (x32010@1)give it to a father, he'll know the same as you
D (xx0232@1)                                     GAs (320003@1)every human is unique, so every thought it too

G (320003@1)                                        CAnd (x32010@1)sonny boy is awful nice, kept his parents clean
D (xx0232@1)                                     GAnd (320003@1)sonny never told a lie until he did meet me

D (xx0232@1)                                    EmAnd (022000@1)if you see my sisters, they are small and gold
D (xx0232@1)                                                 GThey (320003@1)won't believe a thing you say they don't believe in soul

My mama taught me everything, gave me all her life
But Mama never told me how to be a wife

My father gave me everything, taught me wrong from right
Oh daddy take me out of here I cannot deal with life

I'm a believer
I'm not deciever

Perhaps Ill be a bird someday if I'm good enough
And I'll get up and fly away, give up all this stuff

I am from a country place where beauty never grows
You know I'd like to leave someday I dare not ever go

And if you see my sisters, they are small and gold
They won't believe a thing you say they don't believe in souls.
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