Chords Used:
   C (x32010@1)Am (x02210@1)name="chord_133211@1">F  G (320003@1)D7|--0--0--1--3--1--| (xx0212@1)|--1--1--1--3--2--|

(Almost every chord here is played by strumming the root once, then the rest of 
the strings twice and cycling that pattern)

Intro (mimicking piano)
C Am F G

C (x32010@1)                   AmBeats (x02210@1)bleed and tables have legs 
        FI (133211@1)boiled up a feast
GAnd (320003@1)the table it ran away a bloody mess
CI (x32010@1)need to stop singing
AmIn (x02210@1)code, start ringing 
F (133211@1)                GTrue (320003@1)only, because true rings only

F (133211@1)            GKeep (320003@1)away from me
F (133211@1)                   G (320003@1)I am full of terrible things

C (x32010@1)                Am (x02210@1)            
Elbows, elbows and kneepads, do you
F (133211@1)                       GBelieve (320003@1)that, that I still need them
C (x32010@1)                AmScissors, (x02210@1)in window boxes I buried
F (133211@1)                      GThree (320003@1)pairs, can you see how hard it is

F (133211@1)             GKeep (320003@1)away from me
F (133211@1)                   G (320003@1)I am full of terrible things

FMy (133211@1)lazy shape is armed in dirty clothes
CMy (x32010@1)arms are worn and scarred with beauty marks
GSo (320003@1)they can tell my lazy shape apart from
F (133211@1)                                COther (x32010@1)shapes with hearts and human parts
      Am (x02210@1)        F (133211@1)D7Human (xx0212@1)parts human parts

C Am F G

C (x32010@1)              AmBeware (x02210@1)where I am is where the channels 
F (133211@1)                 GRun (320003@1)bare, the canals run bare
C (x32010@1)                    AmAnd (x02210@1)there's much to be scared of that didn't
     F (133211@1)                GWash (320003@1)up till everything dried up

F (133211@1)            GKeep (320003@1)away from me
F (133211@1)                   GI (320003@1)am full of terrible things
F (133211@1)                 GBut (320003@1)if you love the terrible

C (x32010@1)  Am (x02210@1)F (133211@1) GThen (320003@1)please be near to me  ohhhhhhhh

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