TO WHOMEVER READS THIS TAB! THIS IS KIND OF A STRANGE SONG! NOT EVEN JOHN PAUL JONES KNOWS WHAT HE DID EXACTLY! THIS IS A VERY EASY TO USE GUIDE ON HOW TO PLAY THE SONG! PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT! This opening part is the whole intro, and it is all I will write. But with this you can play the whole song Intro/guide Cm Fm Cm These are chords, and these are the main notes you have to play G|-----------------|-----------------|--------------------| D|-----------------|-------8-----8-9-|-10---8-------------| A|-------10-------7|-8--11----11-----|---------10---------| E|-8--11----8--11--|-----------------|-------------11--10-| Cm Fm Fm G|------------------|----------------------|------------------| D|------------------|----------------------|----------------8-| A|----------------7-|-8----------8---------|8--------8---10---| E|-8---10----11-----|-----------8---------8|--------8---------| Cm Cm (Let the C ring) Gm G|--------------------|----------------------|------------------------| D|10---8--------------|----------------------|------------------------| A|-------10--10-10-10-|---------------------8|-10---10-10-10-10----10-| E|--------------------|-8----------------11--|------------------10----| Ab Fm Cm/Eb G7/b Cm Eb7 D7 Db G|-----------------------|-----------------|---------------------|------------------------| D|-----------------------|-----------------|---------------------|------------------------| A|-11---11--11--11-----11|-10-8--8---8---8|---------------------|------------------------| E|-----------------------|-----------------|--11---10----8----11-|-10---10-10-10-9--9-9-9-| Now, in each of those measures, the first note is the chord above, it (hence, Cm is the 8th fret on the fourth string) things like that. THe only notes you really have to play, are those with chords above them. All the other notes are fillers, leading up to the next chord. In the second to last measure, you HAVE to play all 4 notes. That chord pattern continues for the whole song, so you can just use the chord pattern and have it repeat over and over again. Rate and comment. Email if you really dont get it. Rejectedagain