Hey Guys! Here's a tab for a song Leeland displayed on YouTube from Peru. It's pretty simple if you just get the rhythm of the chords down because the chorus is the same as the verse. I hope this helps and God bless! Also, In the video, Leeland uses some "simplified" chords for E (079900) B (7X9900) A (009900) and C#m (9X9900) but if you want, you can use some even more simplified chords that are the same shape just slid around. They look like... E (079900) B (024400) A (002200) C#m (046600) So anyways, here's the song Verse: E B A C#m B O Se?or, da me mas de Tu amor y Verdad. E B A C#m B (E) O Se?or, da me mas de Tu poder y gracia, O Dios. Chorus: E B A C#m B (E) Ensena me a amar, Ensena me a ser como T?, Da me Tu corazon (mi Dios). It means in English: O Lord give me more of your love and truth. O Lord, give me more of your power and grace, O God. Teach me to love. Teach me to be like you. Give me your heart (my God).