I didn't write these, they are from http://wiki.illemonati.com. _____________________ G F# G F#7 (x2) VERSE (1, 2, 4): G (320003@1) F#Where'd (244322@1)you go G (320003@1) F#7When (242352@1)you were done? Am (x02210@1) DI'd (xx0232@1)like to know C (x32010@1) Bm(D (x24432@1)4th time) What you've become 3RD VERSE: Em (022000@1) A7It's (x02020@1)plain to see D7 (xx0212@1) GYou're (320003@1)scared of me A7 (x02020@1) BBut (x2444x@1)that's not how Em (022000@1) DIt's (xx0232@1)supposed to be CHORUS: G (320003@1) F# (244322@1) C (x32010@1) Bm (x24432@1) E (022100@1) Ab7A7- (xx1112@1)C# (x43121@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D F# (244322@1)name="chord_320003@1">G Don't you know I think that you're the cat's meow? F# (244322@1) C (x32010@1) Bm (x24432@1) E (022100@1) Ab7A7- (xx1112@1)C# (x43121@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D F# (244322@1)name="chord_320003@1">G Where's the tiger now? Where's the tiger now? F# (244322@1) C (x32010@1) D (xx0232@1) GBill (320003@1)Watterson, can't you hear me? F# (244322@1) C (x32010@1) D (xx0232@1) GBill (320003@1)Watterson, please don't fear me F# (244322@1) C (x32010@1) D (xx0232@1) EmDon't (022000@1)treat me like I have rabies A7 (x02020@1) D (xx0232@1) F#G I only wanna have your babies BRIDGE: C (x32010@1) AmOh, (x02210@1)you want me to show Dhow (xx0232@1)much I believe that C (x32010@1) Amyou (x02210@1)fly far and go to meet you through Dthunderstorms (xx0232@1)and snow GWell, (320003@1)I will do anything C (x32010@1) Amand (x02210@1)though I happen to know DThe (xx0232@1)reason you're hiding C (x32010@1) AmFrom (x02210@1)publicity: DIt's (xx0232@1)not out of eccentricity C (x32010@1) AmBut (x02210@1)rather from privacy when you DAre (xx0232@1)with me