C# (x43121@1) F#/C# C#It's (x43121@1)coming through a hole in the air, C# (x43121@1) G# (xx1114@1) C#from (x43121@1)those nights in Tiananmen Square. F#It's (244322@1)coming from the feel B/F# (x2444x@1) F#that (244322@1)this ain't exactly real, C# (x43121@1) F#/C# C#or (x43121@1)it's real, but it ain't exactly there. FFrom (133211@1)the wars against disorder, A#mfrom (x13321@1)the sirens night and day, Ffrom (133211@1)the fires of the homeless, A#mfrom (x13321@1)the ashes of the gay: G# (xx1114@1) F# (244322@1) C#Democracy (x43121@1)is coming to the U.S.A. C# F#m C# F#m C# (x43121@1)C# (x43121@1) F#/C# C#It's (x43121@1)coming through a crack in the wall; C# (x43121@1) G# (xx1114@1) C#on (x43121@1)a visionary flood of alcohol; F#from (244322@1)the staggering account B/F# (x2444x@1) F#of (244322@1)the Sermon on the Mount C# (x43121@1) F#/C# C#which (x43121@1)I don't pretend to understand at all. FIt's (133211@1)coming from the silence A#mon (x13321@1)the dock of the bay, Ffrom (133211@1)the brave, the bold, the battered A#mheart (x13321@1)of Chevrolet: G# (xx1114@1) F# (244322@1) C#Democracy (x43121@1)is coming to the U.S.A. C# F#m C# F#m C# (x43121@1)C# (x43121@1) F#/C# C#It's (x43121@1)coming from the sorrow in the street, C# (x43121@1) G# (xx1114@1) C#the (x43121@1)holy places where the races meet; F#from (244322@1)the homicidal bitchin' B/F# (x2444x@1) F#that (244322@1)goes down in every kitchen C# (x43121@1) F#/C# C#to (x43121@1)determine who will serve and who will eat. FFrom (133211@1)the wells of disappointment A#mwhere (x13321@1)the women kneel to pray Ffor (133211@1)the grace of God in the desert here A#mand (x13321@1)the desert far away: G# (xx1114@1) F# (244322@1) C#Democracy (x43121@1)is coming to the U.S.A. C# F#m C# F#m C# (x43121@1)G# (xx1114@1) F#Sail (244322@1)on, sail on C#O (x43121@1)mighty Ship of State! G#To (xx1114@1)the Shores of Need F#Past (244322@1)the Reefs of Greed C#Through (x43121@1)the Squalls of Hate F#m (244222@1) G# (xx1114@1) F# (244322@1) C#Sail (x43121@1)on, sail on, sail on, sail on. C# (x43121@1) F#/C# C#It's (x43121@1)coming to America first, C# (x43121@1) G# (xx1114@1) C#the (x43121@1)cradle of the best and of the worst. F#It's (244322@1)here they got the range B/F# (x2444x@1) F#and (244322@1)the machinery for change C# (x43121@1) F#/C# C#and (x43121@1)it's here they got the spiritual thirst. FIt's (133211@1)here the family's broken A#mand (x13321@1)it's here the lonely say Fthat (133211@1)the heart has got to open A#min (x13321@1)a fundamental way: G# (xx1114@1) F# (244322@1) C#Democracy (x43121@1)is coming to the U.S.A. C# F#m C# F#m C# (x43121@1)C# (x43121@1) F#/C# C#It's (x43121@1)coming from the women and the men. C# (x43121@1) G# (xx1114@1) C#O (x43121@1)baby, we'll be making love again. F#We'll (244322@1)be going down so deep B/F# (x2444x@1) F#the (244322@1)river's going to weep, C# (x43121@1) F#/C# C#and (x43121@1)the mountain's going to shout Amen! FIt's (133211@1)coming like the tidal flood A#m beneath the lunar sway, Fimperial, (133211@1)mysterious, A#min (x13321@1)amorous array: G# (xx1114@1) F# (244322@1) C#Democracy (x43121@1)is coming to the U.S.A. C# F#m C# F#m C# (x43121@1)G# (xx1114@1) F#Sail (244322@1)on, sail on ... C# (x43121@1) F#/C# C#I'm (x43121@1)sentimental, if you know what I mean C# (x43121@1) G# (xx1114@1) C#I (x43121@1)love the country but I can't stand the scene. F#And (244322@1)I'm neither left or right B/F# (x2444x@1) F#I'm (244322@1)just staying home tonight, C# (x43121@1) F#/C# C#getting (x43121@1)lost in that hopeless little screen. FBut (133211@1)I'm stubborn as those garbage bags A#mthat (x13321@1)Time cannot decay, FI'm (133211@1)junk but I'm still holding up A#mthis (x13321@1)little wild bouquet: G# (xx1114@1) F# (244322@1) C#Democracy (x43121@1)is coming to the U.S.A C# F#m C# F#m C#