hey...this is an awesome song!!!! its my first tab but it is almost perfect, i promise. im also gonna dedicate this tab to my bud scoot mcdougle. i just want him to know that ive never had the courage to tell him this(tho i think he already knows)but ive liked him a lot since the fourth grade and i still do and i just want him to know that from me. thanx. ~Basquetballgrl00 Lead Intro: e|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|-777-9 10 9 7 5 4-4--------------------------------------| D|--------------------3------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| OR e|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|-7777-9 10 9 7 5-4---------------------------------------| D|-------------------3-------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| in the background of the lead intro you hear this: /: D - c / G :/ 1-2 3-4 1-2-3-4 chords for the verse: Am (x02210@1)C (x32010@1) G|-5---8---3-| (320003@1)|-5---8---3-| |-5---9---4-| |-7---10--5-| |-----------| |-----------| verse 1: proggression--/: Am / C / Am / G :/ Am (x02210@1) C (x32010@1)This doubt is screaming in my face AmThis (x02210@1)familiar place GSheltered (320003@1)and concealed Am (x02210@1) C (x32010@1)and if this night wont let me rest Amdont (x02210@1)let me second guess Gwhat (320003@1)i know to be real Am (x02210@1) C (x32010@1)put away all i know for tonight Amand (x02210@1)maybe i just might Glearn (320003@1)to let it go Am (x02210@1) C (x32010@1)take my security from me Amand (x02210@1)maybe finally Ci (x32010@1)wont have to know everything Chorus: proggression--4x /: Em - C / G - D :/ / Am- (x02210@1)C/ (x32010@1)D/ (xx0232@1)...(the Am, G, and the C in the chorus are the normal chords)... Em (022000@1)name="chord_x32010@1">C G (320003@1) Di (xx0232@1)am falling into grace Em (022000@1) C (x32010@1) G (320003@1) Dto (xx0232@1)the unknown to where you are and Em (022000@1) C (x32010@1) G (320003@1) Dfaith (xx0232@1)makes everybody scared Em (022000@1) C (x32010@1) its the unknown the dont know G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1)Am (x02210@1) C (x32010@1) Dthat (xx0232@1)keeps me hanging on and on and on to you Lead Intro: e|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|-777-9 10 9 7 5 4-4--------------------------------------| D|--------------------3------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| OR e|---------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------| G|-7777-9 10 9 7 5-4---------------------------------------| D|-------------------3-------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| verse : same proggression--/: Am / C / Am / G :/ Chorus: same proggression--4x /: Em - C / G - D :/ / Am- (x02210@1)C/ (x32010@1)D/ (xx0232@1) Bridge: proggression--4x /: D - C / G :/ D (xx0232@1) C (x32010@1) GI'm (320003@1)against my self again D (xx0232@1) C (x32010@1) GTrying (320003@1)to fit these pieces in D (xx0232@1) C (x32010@1) G (320003@1) Walking on a cloud of dust to D (xx0232@1)name="chord_x32010@1">C GGet (320003@1)to you Chorus: same proggression--4x /: Em - C / G - D :/ / Am- (x02210@1)C/ (x32010@1)D/ (xx0232@1) well...thats it. i hope it sounds good. =)