Lisbeth Scott - Take Me Home ( You may best know this song from the pie eating scene in True Blood. Looked for it for a long time, got fed up, and decided to tab it myself. Please feel free to leave comments. Enjoy, Andy ;)) Verse 1: A (x02220@1) In the sweet light Dm (xx0231@1) AOf (x02220@1)the valley, Dm (xx0231@1) AWhen (x02220@1)the sun falls EUpon (022100@1)the pine, AI (x02220@1)shall lay down DAll (xx0232@1)of my troubles, AAnd (x02220@1)I lift up, E (022100@1) A (x02220@1) Dm (xx0231@1)AThis (x02220@1)heart of mine. Chorus: ATake (x02220@1)me home, Lord, Dm (xx0231@1) AOh, (x02220@1)take me home. Dm (xx0231@1) AO'er (x02220@1)the hillside EAnd (022100@1)o'er the sea, A (x02220@1) DTo (xx0232@1)the soft grass of the valley, A (x02220@1)Where your grace E (022100@1) A (x02220@1) Dm (xx0231@1)AShall (x02220@1)set me free. Verse 2: Through the shadow Of the darkness, Through the storms that Lead me astray I shall travel Forevor knowing In your light, I will always stay. Chorus End on A