hey guys, this is my first tab so belenient if i mess up, but i'm pretty sure everything accurate. you might just have to figure out the strum patterns on your own C (x32010@1) FLucinda (133211@1)Jones workin' at the IHOP: Am (x02210@1) GTen (320003@1)years worth of bacon, eggs an' tears C (x32010@1) FShe's (133211@1)waited on every creed an' color, Am (x02210@1) GWhile (320003@1)waitin' on this day to get here Dm (xx0231@1) AmGraveyard (x02210@1)shifts, two bit tips, CMakin' (x32010@1)every quarter count, Dm (xx0231@1) AmWas (x02210@1)worth it all to see her son, GIn (320003@1)that cap an' gown CHORUS CThere (x32010@1)are times in life when you gotta crawl, FLose (133211@1)your grip, trip an' fall AmWhen (x02210@1)you can't lean on no-one else: GThat's (320003@1)when you find yourself CI've (x32010@1)been around and I've noticed that FWalkin's (133211@1)easy when the road is flat Am (x02210@1) Dm (xx0231@1) GThem (320003@1)danged ol' hills'll get you every time Dm (xx0231@1) GYeah (320003@1)the good Lord gave us mountains, F (133211@1) GSo (320003@1)we could learn how to climb C (x32010@1) FPrivate (133211@1)Bobby Dunn came back from the war Am (x02210@1) GLost (320003@1)his leg but they couldn't take his will C (x32010@1) FHell (133211@1)bent to run in that local marathon Am (x02210@1) GHe (320003@1)trained through the endless pain an' pills Dm (xx0231@1) AmIt (x02210@1)hurt so bad that sometimes CHe (x32010@1)just had to cry Dm (xx0231@1) AmHe (x02210@1)didn't stop until he crossed GThat (320003@1)finish line (CHORUS) DmThis (xx0231@1)world ain't fair AmIt (x02210@1)can knock you on your butt DmYou (xx0231@1)can just lie there GOr (320003@1)you can get back up CYou (x32010@1)gotta get back up (CHORUS)