• Song:

    Take My Hand

  • Artist:

    Lydia Miller

Verse 1:
Before you fall you believe in Yahweh
                                C G
Before you fall you believe in Yahweh
 G                                         D
You think of all the things he's done for you

 G                            D                 C
So take my hand and hold it tight and never let go
 G                    D                C                  G
Keep your faith held high and I will always be there for you

Verse 2:
If you ever get lost on your way
                             C G
If you ever get lost on your way
G                             D
he'll put you right back on tract

Verse 3:
Don't loose faith in what you know
                              C G
Don't loose faith in what you know
 G                           C D
keep your eyes right on the road
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