capo 1.                (tabbed from the live video at national television 2006)

Em (022000@1)                  Cadd9You (x32030@1)entered House of Life in the city of passion
  Em (022000@1)                      Cadd9I (x32030@1)asked you if you wanted me to hold your bag
Am7Yes (x02010@1)please you said
      Dadd11     (ring)       D7While (xx0212@1)looking in my eyes you sent me into the skies

Em (022000@1)                    Cadd9Wed (x32030@1)never met but yet you invited me
 Em (022000@1)                      Cadd9For (x32030@1)a glass of wine and a conversation about life and time
In the cab I touched your hand
    Dadd11  (ring)     D7And (xx0212@1)from that moment I seemed to understand

Cadd9 (x32030@1)               AmThat (x02210@1)you you opened up my eyes
                     D (xx0232@1)                     G (320003@1)            
You made me see the day from a whole new perspective
          B7I (x21202@1)wonder where I used to stay
Cadd9 (x32030@1)              AmYou (x02210@1)you opened up my eyes
                    D (xx0232@1)                     EmYou (022000@1)made me see the day from a whole new perspective

EmWe (022000@1)didnt sleep that night
Cadd9B/Em7 (x32030@1)   Am7 (x02010@1)      G5 (355xxx@1)       EmAnna (022000@1)said goodnight sleep tight and dont let the bedbugs bite I was never in doubt 
 Cadd9 (x32030@1)                   Em (022000@1) Cadd9everything (x32030@1)happen'd so naturallyyyyyy
          Am7 (x02010@1)                              Dadd11         D7I (xx0212@1)used to get a mental block but you made me crawl out from under a rock

Cadd9 (x32030@1)              AmAnd (x02210@1)you you opened up my eyes
                     D (xx0232@1)                    GYou (320003@1)made me see the day from a whole new perspective
       B7I (x21202@1)got carried away
Cadd9 (x32030@1)              AmYou (x02210@1)you opened up my eyes
                    D (xx0232@1)                     EmYou (022000@1)made me see the day from a whole new perspective

Em5()    C()         Em5()             C()     C/C#()     C()         Cmaj7 (x32000@1)        Am (x02210@1)DI (xx0232@1)wonder if living from day to day should turn into weeks, months, years I just say: wonder if..?

Cadd9 (x32030@1)             AmYou (x02210@1)you opened up my eyes
                    D (xx0232@1)                     GYou (320003@1)made me see the day from a whole new perspective
   B7 (x21202@1)                       Cadd9Thank (x32030@1)you is all I have to say 
                        AmCause (x02210@1)you opened up my eyes
        D (xx0232@1)                                      Emand (022000@1)you made me see the day from a whole new perspective

Caad9       D (xx0232@1)      G (320003@1)       D (xx0232@1)     Em7
 j?hh ??hhhhh ?h ?hh ?h ? ?hhh ?h ? ?hh ?hh ??hh
    Cadd9 (x32030@1)   D (xx0232@1)      G (320003@1)        D (xx0232@1)     Em7
 ?h ?hh ??hhhh ?h ?hhh ?h ? ?hhh ?h ? ?hh ?hh ??hh 
     Cadd9 (x32030@1)    D (xx0232@1)         Em7         G (320003@1)      Cadd9j?hh (x32030@1)????hhh ?h ?hhhhh ?h ? ?hhhh iiih j??aer

Cadd9 (x32030@1)              Amand (x02210@1)you you opened up my eyes
                    Dyou (xx0232@1)made me see the day
from a whole new perspective

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